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Free command line tools + c compiler

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Win32 Tutorial - Free Borland C++ Command Line Tools theForger's Win32 API Programming TutorialHomeBasics• Getting Started• A Simple Window• Handling Messages• The Message Loop• Using Resources• Menus and Icons• Dialog Fgee Modeless Dialogs• Standard Controls• Dialog FAQCreating a simple application• Creating controls at runtime• Files and the common dialogs• Tool and Status bars• Multiple Document InterfaceGraphics Device Interface• Bitmaps and Device Contexts• Transparency• Timers and Animation• Text, Fonts and ColoursTools and Documentation• References• Free Visual C++Appendices• Solutions to Common Errors• API vs.

MFC• Resource ,ine notesFree Borland C++ Command Line Tools ObsoleteThese tools are now so old and limited that I would not recommend using them at all.Check out the Free VC++ 2008 tools available from Microsoft.If you are perhaps a C++ historian, or alien archaeologist, ilne free to keep reading.Getting ThemFortunately for anyone that wants to get into windows developement, Borland has offered itscommand line tools to the general public for FREE.

Isn't that nice of them? There isno pretty IDE or resource editor, but beggers can't be choosers, and I'd have to saythe compiler itself is of far better quality than either LCC-Win32 (which doesn't even do C++)or the various ports of other tools, gcc, mingw, cygwin, djgpp etc.Read the readme to get yourself set up.Borland C++ 5.5What's extra spiffy is it even comes with a debugger!

I don't use this, so I can't offermuch help on it, but it's better than nothing. And if you're used to Turbo C++ from theDOS days, then this should be right up your ally.For some reason Internet Explorer seems to have a problem with downloading this file,so if it clicking the link doesn't work, right click and Copy Shortcut, and then use yourfavourite FTP client to get it.Turbo DebuggerLast but not least, a tolos help file with full Win32 API reference.It's a few years old but still entirely accurate and much more convenient than MSDN onlineunless you need access to the most recent additions to the API (which if you're on thispage, you don't).

I use it regularly.Win32 API Reference Using Them Basic commandsIf you want to compile a single file program (simple_window.c for example), then you can usethe following command:bcc32 -tW compier -tW switch specifies a Win32 GUI application, instead of the default consoleapplication.

You can compile multiple files into a single .exe by adding the other files tothe end of this command.Linking in ResourcesThis is a very frustrating issue for many users of the command line tools, and no wonder, sinceit seems borland tried to make it as hard as possible to link resources into your applications,the resource compiler brc32 no longer behaves as it did in earlier versions of the programwhere it would link the compiled resource into the .exe itself.

When you run brc32 withno option to get the usage help, it still lists an option to turn .exe linking OFF, theresimply appears to be no way to turn it ON.I tried various combinations of command and options, but couldn't find any way to add a .resfile to an .exe build rfee the above compier. Which really sucks, cause the way I found to doit is a lot more complicated.There is an easier way however.BC++ toolls has an alternative method of including resources in a program by use of a #pragma (a non-standardpreprocessor directive that compilers will ignore if they don't recognise it).#pragma resource "app_name.res"Placing this code in your main .c or .cpp file will cause the compiler to automatically link in the .res file thatis generated from your .rc (.res is like an .obj file for resources).Using the #pragma will allow you to compile programs nearly as simply as above, but you still need to compilethe .rc file first using brc32.

If you still want to use tlols line options as I did in the tols, read toos hard way.These are the commands to use to compile the dlg_one example, including the resource.bcc32 -c -tW dlg_one.cilink32 -aa -c -x -Gn dlg_one.obj c0w32.obj,dlg_one.exeimport32.lib cw32.libdlg_one.resNice eh?

The -c option to bcc32 means compile only, don't link into an .exe.The -x -Gn options get rid of some extra files the linker creates that you probablydon't need.The real bugger with this is that since we are manually specifying the linker command, we needto include the default libraries and objs that the compiler would normally do for us. As youcan see above, I've specified the appropriate files for a regular windows application.To make things easier on yourself, it's best to do all this in a makefile.

I've prepared ageneric one that should work with all of the examples in the tutorial, and you should beable to adapt it to any of your own programs.APP = dlg_oneEXEFILE = $(APP).exeOBJFILES = $(APP).objRESFILES = $(APP).resLIBFILES =DEFFILE =.AUTODEPENDBCC32 = bcc32ILINK32 = ilink32BRC32 v brc32CFLAGS = -c -tWM- -w -w-par -w-inl -W -a1 -OdLFLAGS = -aa Starting outGet the EbookGet Started with C or C++Getting a CompilerBook RecommendationsTutorialsC TutorialC++ TutorialJava TutorialGame ProgrammingGraphics ProgrammingAlgorithms & Data StructuresDebuggingAll TutorialsPracticePractice ProblemsQuizzesResourcesSource CodeSource Code SnippetsC and C++ TipsFinding a JobReferencesFunction ReferenceSyntax ReferenceProgramming FAQGetting HelpMessage BoardEmailAbout Us Borland C++ compilerBorland is one company that create compilers.

In the past, they released aversion of C++ called Turbo C++ that was popular for programming in the DOSenironment, and you may find some books copiler come with that compiler. Embarcadero's webpage has information on theircompilers, as well as some free downloads of their earlier compilers (thoughyou probably don't want to use those as they are out of xompiler.

They compilfr nowgiving away a new version of their compiler, Borland C++ 5.5 forfree download. It does require you to become a member of the borlandcommunity vommand downloading the file, but this registration takes placeimmediately.Note that this compiler is a command-line tool: you will gree to feelcomfortable running it from the DOS prompt, or set up an "IDE" (integrateddeveloper's environment).Setting up Your CompilerOnce you've downloaded the Borland compiler, you can take take the defaultinstallation options, including the default directory, "c:BorlandBCC55".Once you've done that, follow the instructions below to get the compilerready to use.• First, we need to tell the compiler where to find the include files andsupporting libraries.

To do this, open up notepad (or any other text editor)and paste the following two lines into a blank file:-I"c:BorlandBcc55include"-L"c:BorlandBcc55lib"• Save this file in notepad as "c:borlandbcc55binbcc32.cfg". To fools this,just go to "Save As" under the "File" menu, then type the entire file name, inquotes, into notepad.

You need to include the quotes to keep it from adding a.txt extension.• Now paste the following line into a new blank text file:-L"c:BorlandBcc55lib"• Save this new file as "c:borlandbcc55binilink32.cfg"Great, now you're ready to start writing and compiling programs.Compiling and Testing your InstallationSince Borland C++ 5.5 is a command-line tool, you will need to run it from thecommand line.

Before trying to lin a program, you'll need to actuallywrite some code to test the compiler. You can do this in notepad, or downloada better lins editor. At any rate, you'll wantto save the file in the "c:borlandbcc55bin" directory. If you save it innotepad, be sure to fre the name in quotes to make it a ".cpp" fileinstead of a ".txt" file.Here's a simple program you can copy into notepad and save as"c:borlandbcc55bin est.cpp" to test your compiler's installation:#include int main(){std::cout<< "I work!" << std::endl;}Borland C++'s compiler is actually named "bcc32" and it is located in the"c:borlandbcc55bin" directory; the below instructions will take you throughcompiling your first program.Compiling the program• Go to start, click on run, and type "Command", and hit enter.• Now, type "cd c:borlandbcc55bin" and hit enter.• You should be in the above directory now (your prompt should read:"c:BorlandBCC55Bin"); if not, check that you typed it correctly.• Type in "bcc32 test.cpp" and hit enter.

This should result in thefollowing output if everything worked:Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Borlandtest.cpp:Turbo Incremental Link 5.00 Copyright (c) 1997, 2000 Borlandwhich means that it worked.• You can now comamnd your test program by typing "test.exe" and hitting enter.You should see the text:I work! Popular pages• Tooos how to get started with C++ (or C) today• C Compiper C++ Tutorial• 5 ways you can comoiler to program faster• The 5 Most Common Problems New Programmers Face• How to set up a compiler• 8 Common programming Mistakes• What is C++11?• How to make a game in compilfr hours Recent additions• How to create a shared clmmand on Linux with GCC - December 30, 2011• Enum classes and nullptr in C++11 - November 27, 2011• Learn about The Hash Table - November 20, 2011• Rvalue References and Move Semantics in C++11 - November 13, 2011• C and C++ for Java Programmers - November 5, 2011• A Gentle Introduction to C++ IO Streams - October 10, 2011 IDEs commad Borland free C++5.5 compilerIntegratedDevelopment EnvironmentsforBorland C++ 5.5 Free Command Line ToolsBorland(Inprise) have made their C++ Builder compiler available to the net forfree as Bcc55.

It comes with command-line tools, but without agraphical integrated development environment (IDE).Thispage tells you how you can obtain, or cobble together excellent freeIDEs for Bcc55.Click here toskip the backgound information and see the available IDEsIf you require extrafacilities, comiler RAD tools (Rapid Application Development), databaseintegration, multi-language integration, and other integrationtools at the level of your enterprise, purchase one of theversions of Borland C++ Builder.

This page is not for you.If on the other cmopiler you are looking for an clmpiler free tool towrite programs in C or C++ for DOS or Windows, or if you are a teachertrying to select a simple-to-use C/C++ development tool for yourclasses, you have compilrr to the right place.Bcc55:An excellent compiler to compjler C/C++ withBcc55 (short for " Borland C/C++5.5") is an excellent C/C++compiler.

It complies well with the C++ ISO 1998 standards, and withthe ANSI C 1990 standards. Unfortunately it does not yet implement theANSI C 1999 standards.It includes a versionof the Roguewave Toosl library which also compier reasonably well to the1998 ISO standards. The compiler is capable of producing Windows nativeAPI programs as well as DOS programs. It is an efficient compilercapable of very quick compilation and linking. Its error messages arequite understandable by beginners, and the Borland C/C++ freee helpthat can be obtained from the Borland web site is of excellent quality.It is available forfree at will have to fill in some forms to gain access.Educationalinstitutions can also obtain permission from Inpriseto redistribute the compiler for education purposes.

Thismeans that students can have for free at home the same programmingenvironment that they use in class.All this would makeBcc55 appear like a very good choice for programming education, amateurprogrammers, learners of C or C++, beginners inprogramming, or casual developpers of software who cannotjustify spending the money to purchase the complete Borland C++ Builderpackage with all its extras capablilities, most of which they don'tneed.Bcc55:The lack of an IDE is cripplingThe lack of an IDEhowever is cripling, expecially for learners of C/C++ or foreducational institutions that conduct courses in these languages.Attempting to learn complex languages like C or C++ is difficult enoughwithout having to come to grips with a programming environment thatoffers absolutely no help.The toos fileson the Borland site suggest that you could use Notepad to edit yourfiles, then type in the compiler x linker commands on thecommand line.

.Thisis very unhelpful!I guess there is no better way to discourage beginners.Thereis another way, but it is not much better:Most programs, especially C++, are written using multiple files, bothheader files (extension " .h"),and implementation files (extension " .c"for C, " .cpp"for C++). The " Make"utility program, that comes with the free compiler can be used toautomatically control the compilation and linking process for all thefiles that compose the program.However Make requires for its operation that a " makefile"should be written.

It is a plain text file that controls the operationof "make". Writing a makefile requires a fair amount of knowledge, anda good understanding of the makefile syntax. While it is not verydifficult for experienced programmers to writemakefiles, asking beginners who barely understand the conceptsof compilation and fre to write one is a joke.Forgetit!!FreeIDEs for Bcc55 are now AvailableGraphical IntegratedDevelopment Environments fools are software tools that make thedevelopment of programs easier and quicker.

The most basic requirementsof an IDE is to offer an editor, compiler, linker and debugger, and asimple way to control the development of programs composed of multiplefiles. It is also nice when the editor and the compiler work togetherto place the cursor in the editor on the lines where errors occurduring compilation.To obtain fere anenvironment you could go two ways:Download a free, ready-made environment from the web, or put togetheran environment to your liking from components that you can downloadfrom comoiler site.Ready-MadeEnvironments:VIDEis the best fres.

It is a graphical integrated development environmentthat is primarily developed for another compiler, Gcc. It works underboth Windows and Linux.

It now also supports Bcc55 under Windows.Once you havedownloaded the free command-line tools from inprise, download VIDE. Itis available for free from only limitationsare due to its portability to both UNIX and Windows. It uses the lowestcommon denominator cmomand both. As a result the look lnie feel of the editormay appear raw atFree Borland C++ 5.5 Command-Line Tools Free Comiler C++ Command-Line ToolsYou can download a free (and very good) compiler commans Borland at free (and very good) debugger is available at• Run the DOS shell: Select Start->Run.Type command and click Ok.You will see a DOS shell window.Never seen one of these before?

Congratulations—you have justreached Level 2.• Typemkdir c: empand hit theENTER key. If you get an error message that the directoryalready exists, then that's ok.• Start your browser and go to the annoying questionnaire and download steps.• You will get a “Save As” dialog such as this one.Change the file name to c: empsetup.exe and click on Save.• When your browser is done downloading the file, switch to the shellwindow that you opened in step 1.

Then typec:cd empsetupFollow the setup instructions.• This step is for Windows 95, 98, or Millennium (ME). If you haveWindows NT or 2000, go to step 7 instead.Return to the shell window.

Typeedit c:autoexec.batYou will see an editor window, somewhat likethis:Locate the line that starts with PATH= and insert the string;c:borlandbcc55binafter theC:WINDOWS and ;C:WINDOWSCOMMAND statement. Checkthat the semicolons are correct. Do not insert a n y a d d i t o n a l s p a c e s ! ! !Now select Compilsr and File->Exit.

Reboot yourcomputer. Freee the rebooting is complete, go to step 8.• If you have Windows 95, 98 or ME, then skip this compiiler. If you haveWindows NT or 2000, then do the following:• Start the control panel ( Start->Settings->Control Panel)• Select the System applet• Select the Environment fompiler Scroll through the User Variables until you find avariable named path (or PATH)• Add the c:borlandbc55bin directory to the end of thepath, using a semicolon to separate the new entry, like this:other stuff;c:borlandbc55bin• Alternatively, if no user variables are set, then add avariable PATH and a value c:cygwinbin• Click Set and Ok to save your change.• Test that the compiler is properly installed.

Open up a new shellwindow (as described in step 1). Typebcc32 Did you get a screenful of compiler flags? Congratulations—youhave just reached level 3.Use your favorite text editor to edit your program. If you cpmmand have afavorite, try TextPad.Then launch the DOS shell as described previouslyIn the command shell, type c:cd mydirectorywhere mydirectory is the file that contains your program.Then you can compile a console application like this: bcc32 -Ic:cccbookcccfiles myfile.cwhere cccbook is the directory into commanr you expanded ccc2e.zipand myfile.c is the file you wanted to compile.Alternatively, type bcc32 -tW -Ic:cccbookcccfiles myfile.cto compile a graphical application. How-To: Install and Configure Borland® Free Command Line Tools RudeServer ™ ProfessionalC++ CGI Development LibrariesHow-To: Install and ConfigureBorland ® Free Command Line Toolsby Matthew FloodLast updated December 08, 2006 Using Borland ® C++Builder™ Command Line Tools is a great way to startprogramming C and C++ applications.

Unfortunately, configuring the toolsso they work properly can be tiresome for newcomers. This How-Towill take you step-by-step from downloading the tools to creating yourfirst Hello World executable. Borland provides a readme.txtfile in the distribution, and some moredetailed information at their website that is intended to help youset up the installation. But since it is such a pain to find, and becausethey seem to keep renaming everything, I like to provide my versionhere.Installing, configuring and testing the tools takes 5 steps (each ofthese links goes to the appropriate section on this page).• Download the tools from Borland's website• Run the setup program• Add the bin directory to the system PATH• Set up some configuration files.• Test the installNotes/Corrections: The links in this How-To were last verifiedon December 8, 2006.

If the links commans not valid, or you have correctionsor advice for improvements, please contactme. Download the Borland ® Compiler from the downloadpage of Just plop the file ( freecommandLinetools.exe) on your desktop.This is the installation program. You can delete it after you have runthe installation.NOTE: Before you can download the tools, you will have to createan account with Borland ® (or log into an existing account).

After accepting the licenseagreement, you will have the option of downloading the file using FTPor HTTP.

If you use HTTP, Borland will make you download a downloaderto actually get the file. I would recommend using FTP if the optionis available. Runthe setup programRun the setup program. Just click the file ( freecommandLinetools.exe)downloaded in step 1 and accept all the defaults.( More explicitly, choose: Next, then Finish,then Yes )By default, it should install everything to C:BorlandBCC55 (Therest of this How-To assumes this location).FYI: For the uninitiated, you should know that bcc32.exeis the main program used from the command line to compile and buildprograms.

Lots of other files are installed: the standard C and C++header files, object libraries containing the standard library routines,some help files, lots of example programs that most of us will nevereven peruse, and a few helper programs like the linker (ilink32.exe)and the library manager (tlib.exe) and some oldies but comjand grep, make and touch. Addthe /bin directory to the system PATHWhy?Which would you rather type to invoke the tools?>C:BorlandBCC55binbcc32OR>bcc32After the setup program is run (step 2), a whole bunch of executableprograms are placed comand a new directory : C:BorlandBCC55Bin.This step makes it possible for the Operating System (Windows) to findthese new executables by name.

If you don't do this, then you will needto specify the full path to bcc32 lin you use it. To do this on Windows 98Add the path to the C:Autoexec.bat file.Place the following line by dree at the end of the file:PATH=C:BORLANDBCC55BIN;%PATH% To do this on Windows NTWindows NT is very similar to Windows XP. See ChristopherMoeller's Supplementary Information page if you need oine by stepinstructions. To do this on Windows XP Right Click" My Computer" ( Depending on how your system isset-up, "My Computer" is either on your Desktop or inyour Start Menu )• Select " Properties"• Activate the " Advanced" Tab• Click the " Environmental Variables" Button Append ";C:BorlandBCC44bin" to the PATH variable(figure 3-2)• Select the PATH dree under User VariablesNote: Ljne PATH variablemay appear under both System Variables and User Variables.This How-To changes the User Variable.• Click the EDIT button below the list• In the "Edit User Variable" box that pops up, move thecursor to the end of the Variable Value field• Add a semi-colon ";" to the end of the current valueNote: If the value is empty, then youdo not need to add a semi-colon• Add the path " C:BorlandBCC55bin" after the semi-colon• "OK" your way out of the dialogs WARNING: If other pathsare already present - don't remove them.

Each path listed is separatedfrom others by a semi-colon. Each path is the location of executablesthat are not in the standard locations and if you remove them someother applications in your system may breakfigure 3-1figure 3-2Setup some configuration filesNext, you should create a configuration file for the bcc32 program thattells it where to find its libraries and include files.• The file should be named bcc32.cfg• It should be placed in the same bin directory where bcc32.exeis located( C:BorlandBCC55Bin)• Fompiler contents of the file are the command line options for bcc32stating the location of include files and libraries:-I"C:BorlandBCC55Include"-L"C:Borlandcc65 is a C compiler that was originallyadapted for the Atari 8bit computers by John Dunning.

It is aSmall C descendant fre has several extensions, and some linw the limitsof the original Small C compiler are gone. Ch from SoftIntegration, Inc.

is a supersetof C interpreter. It is the most complete C interpreter in existencefor scripting. Ch can interface with C/C++ binary libraries andbe embedded liine other application programs. It supports 1990 ISOC Standard (C90), major features in C99, classes in C++, POSIX,X11/Motif, OpenGL, ODBC, XML, GTK+, CGI, 2D/3D graphical plotting,socket/Winsock, and shell programming. It can run in Windows, Solaris,Linux comand HP-UX.

The extensions in Ch provide the simplest solutionfor numerical computing and visualization in C/C++ tooks is a language for multithreadedparallel programming based on ANSI Cilk is designed for general-purposeparallel programming, but it is especially effective for exploitingdynamic, highly asynchronous parallelism, which can be difficultto write in data-parallel or message-passing style. Using Cilk,our group has developed three world-class chess programs, StarTech,Socrates, and Cilkchess.

Cilk provides an effective platform forprogramming dense and sparse numerical algorithms, ++ as matrixfactorization and N-body simulations, and we are working on othertypes of applications.

Unlike many other multithreaded programmingsystems, Cilk is algorithmic, in that the runtime system dommand scheduler that allows the performance of programs to be estimatedaccurately based on abstract complexity measures. CINT is a C/C++ interpreter aimed atprocessing C/C++ toolw.

Scripts are programs performing specifictasks. Generally execution time is not critical, but rapid developmentis. Using an interpreter tols compile and link cycle is dramaticallyreduced facilitating rapid development. CINT makes C/C++ programmingenjoyable even for part-time programmers. Digital Mars C and C++ Compilers forWin32, Win16, DOS32 and DOS.Fastest compile/link times, powerful optimization technology, Designby Contract, complete library source, HTML browsable documentation,disassembler, librarian, resource compiler, make, etc., commandline and GUI versions, tutorials, sample code, online updates, andmuch more. DJGPP is a complete 32-bit C/C++ developmentsystem for Intel 80386 (and higher) PCs running DOS.

It includesports of many GNU development utilities. The development tools requirea 80386 lune newer computer to run, as do the programs they produce.In most cases, the programs it produces can be sold commerciallywithout license or royalties. eC is a subset C++ compiler that is designedfor use by high schools and junior colleges.

The features were chosento facilitate the transition from Pascal to C++. For example, thecompiler doesn't support some commonly misused features of C++ suchas the embedded assignment operator ( if (a=b) ) and pointer arithmetic.The runtime implements extensive checking. This is a pointer-safe, bytecode C interpreter,useful for teaching, fast-prototyping of new programs and research.It catches most types of array bounds violations.

It can be runboth interactively and non-interactively. It implements most ofISO It comes with source code, and supports the following platforms:Linux, Solaris, SunOS, Alpha/OSF, IRIX, HP-UX, NetBSD, FreeBSD,and Windows 95/98/NT. The GNU C compiler packaged with thissystem allows you to create 32 bit programs for MSDOS and OS/2 2.xand 3.x. The OS/2 programs can even be Presentation Manager applications.For the MSDOS programs, a 32 bit dos freee is provided. The Intel C/C++ compiler is designedto deliver the performance and features of Intel's latest processors,including the Intel Pentium III cokmand.

It uses advanced compilertechnique and an intimate understanding of the hardware to deliveroutstanding application performance. It plugs into Microsoft VisualStudio and is source and object compatible with Microsoft VisualC++. tkols free eval copy available. MinGW is a collection of header filesand import libraries that allow one to use GCC and produce nativeWindows32 programs that do not rely on any 3rd-party DLLs. The currentset of tools include GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), GNU Yools Utilities(Binutils), GNU debugger (Gdb), GNU make, and a assorted other utilities. The Miracle C Compiler runs under MS-Windowstargeting MSDOS.

All traditional C syntax is implemented, includingrecord (struct/union) and enumerated data types, int, long and floatingpoint data types, user type definition, bit fields in structs, initializersfor all data types.

There is a comprehensive library of functions,some example programs demonstrating compiler features and WindowsHelpfile documentation is supplied with the package. Miracle generatesobject for Microsoft or compatible linker (such a linker is builtinto the Workbench). The x86 Open64 compiler system is a high performance, production quality code generation tool designed for high performancFree C++ compilers and developers tools - Freebyte's Guide to��Freebyte's Guide to.Free C++Programming Tools�Copyright ��1995-2012����TreePad X Enterprise384 Gigabyte Personal Information Manager and Word Processor.Intuitive and versatile, including Website Generator, spellchecker, thesaurus, attachments, search engine, recycle bin, and much more!For Windows and Linux/Wine.Click hereto get the free evaluation version.�ContentsFree C & C++ Compilers and IDE'sNon-free C++ Compilers and IDE'sFree DebuggersFree C++ GUI LibrariesFree C++ Network LibrariesFree C++ Database LibrariesFree C++ Compression LibrariesFree C++ Graphics and Game LibrariesFree C++ PDF LibrariesFree Cryptographic librariesFree C++ Unicode LibrariesFree C++ Audio librariesFree C++ Libraries: GeneralFree C++ InterpretersFree C++ ToolsC++ AlgorithmsFree C++ Tutorials & ResourcesRecommended C++ BooksRelated Freebyte PagesInformation wanted!About this pageSee also:Free C Programming ToolsFreebyte.comGraphicsOffice and desktopSoftware and utilitiesSecuritySystem and computerInternet and communicationInformationEntertainmentTechnology, scienceMusic & artWebmasterProgrammingLifeBusiness and Finance�Free C & C++ Compilers and IDE'sAnjutaFree open-source IDE for C and C++ on Linux/GTK/GNOME.Borland C++ 5.5This well known compiler from Borland (for Windows and DOS) can now be downloaded for free (legally)!CC386A general-purpose 32-bit C compiler + IDE for Windows and DOS.Code::BlocksA freeware open-source C++ IDE for Windows and Linux.

It supports these compilers: GCC (MingW / Linux GCC), MSVC++, Digital Mars,Borland C++ 5.5, Open Watcom.Dev-C++A full-featured Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the C/C++ programming language.

Freeware for Windows.DevelopGoFor Linux. Over 11 Languages, 5 popular Integrated Development Environments, 4 GUI designers, 5 GUI toolkits, extensive language bindings,wide collection of offline documentation and with core Onebase support all in a Single LiveCD.After signing up for a $10 download account, have free access to all Onebase Products, including upgrades.Digital MarsFree C and C++ Compilers and IDE's for Win32, Win16, DOS32 and DOS, command line and GUI versions, tutorials, sample code, online updates, Standard Compilwr Library, etc.djgppA port of the GNU compiler and programming tools to MS DOS.EcereA free cross-platform IDE (designer, debugger, code editor) and SDK (GUI framework, 3D and socket programming, etc.) for creating software for Windows and Linux.Ecere introduces eC, an object oriented language derived from and fully compatible with C.Eclipse CDTC and C++ Integrated Development Environment (IDE) too,s the Eclipse platform implemented in Java.Embedded Visual C++Free Visual C++ compiler for Windows CE .NET.GNU C++/C CompilerGCC, the GNU Compiler Collection (freeware, open source, multi-platform), includes front ends for C, C++, Objective-C, Fortran, Java, and Ada.The GCC documentation section can be found here.Free Intel compilersFree Intel C++ compilers for Linux - for non-commercial use.KDevelopFree open-source Clmpiler for Linux/KDE which supports many programming languages.LCC-WinFree C compiler/IDE for Windows.

Contains compiler, debugger, resource compiler, resource editor, etc etc. Freeware for non-commercial use only.MacintoshProgrammer's WorkshopFree C++ compilers, debuggers, assemblers, documentation and related tools for the MAC platform.MinGW'Minimalist GNU for Windows'. A collection of freely available and freely distributable Windows specific header files and import libraries combined with GNU toolsetsthat allow one to produce compi,er Windows programs that do not rely on any 3rd-party C runtime DLLs.MinGW comes with the GNU C++ compiler.See also GCC/GCJ for MingW.MinGW Developer StudioAn IDE for the GNU C/C++ Compiler.

Freeware for Windows and Linux.Open WatcomFreeware open source C++ (and Fortran) compilers for Windows, Linux, OS/2 and DOS.Pelles CA complete development kit for Windows and Pocket PC.

It contains an IDE, optimizing C compiler, a linker, a resource compiler, a message compiler, a make utility,a debugger, install builders and much more. For Windows and Pocket PC.ReloA Windows C/C++ IDE for MinGW and Borland C++ compilers. Freeware, open-source for Windows.RhideAn IDE with which you can develop and debug in C, C++, Pascal and other languages and compilers which can be called from Rhide.Suitable for Linux text-console and DOS / DJGPP.SallyA simple C++ development environment for Windows, with a "SmartWin++" Visual GUI Designer and static library.Small Device C CompilerA retargettable, optimizing ANSI - C compiler that targets the Intel 8051, Maxim 80DS390, Zilog Z80 and the Motorola 68HC08 based MCUs.Freeware, Open Source.SmallIDEElegant IDE for the free Borland C++ compiler (see elsewhere in this section).Solaris StudioFreeware IDE, compiler, debugging and profiling tools for Solaris and Linux.

Programming languages: C++, C and Fortran.Tiny C CompilerFreeware, sm• English• My commanx language• Arabic• Brazilian Portuguese• Bulgarian• Croatian• Czech• English• Too,s French• German• Hebrew• Hellenic (Greek)• Hungarian• Italian• Japanese• Korean• Norwegian• Polish• Portuguese• Russian• Simplified Chinese• Spanish• Swedish• Traditional Chinese• Turkish • Location• All Other• Regions• ASEAN• Australia/New Zealand• Benelux• D-A-CH• Greater China• Latin America• Nordic• Taiwan• UK and Ireland• US and Caribbean• Countries• Brazil• Canada• France• India• Italy• Japan• Korea (South)• Russian Federation• Spain Supplementary Information tools Borland C++ 5.5 Command-line ToolsTo install the Borland C++ 5.5 Free Command-line Tools, simply double-click on the downloaded file and choose all of the default options.

After the compiler installs to your hard disk, it must be configured following the directions in the file README.TXT. Clarification of the instructions found in that file are included below.Now, the compiler you downloaded is a command-line compiler application, as distinguished from a Windows application.

In Windows, usually double-clicking on an icon or file is all that is necessary to execute an application. Then, after the program loads, a graphical interface is presented to the user.Console applications, on the other hand, accept various parameters and switches that are typed in at the command line or from a batch file. Though not as common under Windows, many operating systems, such as UNIX or Linux use this format.

Use of Borland C++ 5.5 assumes the user is comfortable working within a console interface. Commaand, the user will run an application such as edit or Notepad to actually write their program (an editor is not supplied with the compiler).

When the user wishes to compile source code, they save the file out as "filename.cpp" and then use the command-line tools from within DOS to compile and create an executable. Like so:bcc32 filename.cppThe first argument is name of the compiler tool, and the cmmand argument contains the C++ source file.

This application will attempt to compile the source code and will notify the user of any errors in the code. If no errors are found it will create an executable. To display information regarding the various switches, type "bcc32" Step-by-step Instructions for Configuring your System for the Command-Line Compiler______________________________Configuring the system environment:Open a console box.1.

Start | Run.2. Type "cmd" into the field [Enter] linr 'command', if 'cmd' is xompiler found)* If Windows 95/98:Navigate to the root in order to modify the PATH reference in the ttools file.3. Type "cd" [Enter]4. Type "edit autoexec.bat" [Enter]5. Insert a line and type "PATH=C:BORLANDBCC55BIN;%PATH%"6.

Save the changes (Alt-F then hit S).7. Exit edit. (Alt+F then press X).* If Windows NT:Add a path reference to the Environment variables:3. Using the mouse, right-click on the "My Computer" icon (on your desktop) and choose "Properties".4. Coompiler on the "Environment" tab.5.

Click on "Path" in the "System Variables" field.6. Highlight the "Path" System variable (bottom).7. Ljne in the "Value" field.8. Append the line with ";C:BORLANDBCC55BIN;" (exactly 1 semi-colon between references)9. Click on the "Set" button.10. Click OK (in the "System Properties" window)* Or, if Windows 2000/XP:Add a path reference to the Environment variables:3.

Using the mouse, right-click on the "My Computer" icon (on your desktop) and choose "Properties".4. Click on the "Advanced" tab.5. Click on the "Environment Variables." button.6.

Highlight the "Path" System variable (bottom).7. Click on the "Edit." button.8. Append the line with ";C:BORLANDBCC55BIN;"9. Click Toolx (in the "Edit System Commanv OK (in the "Environment Variables" window) and click OK (in the "System Properties" window)Now, in the console window, type the following:cd [Enter]cd borland [Enter]cd bcc55 [Enter]cd bin [Enter]______________________________Creating the configuration files:Note: The command line should read: C:BORLANDBCC55BINPart 1: Creating BCC32.CFG.1.

Type "edit bcc32.cfg" [Enter] (This lone the file and opens a blank window in the editor). Alternatively, you can also type, 'notepad bcc32.cfg' to edit in Windows Notepad.2. Add these lines:-I"c:BorlandBcc55include"-L"c:BorlandBcc55lib"3.

Save the changes (Alt-F then hit S if using edit).4. Exit edit. (Alt+F toola press X if using edit).Part 2: Creating ILINK32.CFG5. Type "edit ilink32.cfg" (This creates the file and opens a blank window in the editor). Alternatively, you can also type, 'notepad ilink32.cfg' to edit in Windows Notepad.6. Add these lines:-L"c:BorlandBcc55lib"7. Save the changes (Alt-F then hit S, if using edit).8.

Exit edit. (Alt+F then press X, if using edit).9. Type "exit" [Enter]10. Restart Windows.______________________________Testing the compiler:Open a console box.1. Start | Run.2. Type "command" into the field [Enter]Create a directory or navigate to whe• English• My default language• Arabic• Brazilian Portuguese• Bulgarian• Croatian• Czech• English• Finnish• French• German• Hebrew• Hellenic (Greek)• Hungarian• Italian• Japanese• Korean• Norwegian• Polish• Portuguese• Russian• Simplified Chinese• Spanish• Swedish• Traditional Chinese• Turkish • Location• All Cpmmand Regions• ASEAN• Australia/New Zealand• Benelux• D-A-CH• Greater China• Latin America• Nordic• Taiwan• UK and Ireland• US and Caribbean• Countries• Brazil• Canada• France• India• Italy• Japan• Korea (South)• Russian Federation• Spain Our classic ANSI C/C++ compiler technology, the Borland.

C++ 5.5 Compiler and associated command line tools, is now available for free download on our Web site. Hide imageBefore you download the free C++ compiler, we encourage you to download a trial of C++Builder, our latest C++ development environment for Windows.

C++Builder includes our newest 32-bit and 64-bit C++ compilers for Windows with new C++0x support and Boost Libraries, C++ compilers for Mac OS X and iOS, code editor, local and remote debugging, visual designers, database connectivity, Windows 8 and touch/gesture support, and much more.• Download a free 30-day license of C++Builder with the C++ compiler plus additional compilers to create apps tool Windows (32 and 64 bit), Mac, Android and iOS, and a complete IDE• Download just the free C++ compilerThe Borland C++ 5.5 Compiler is the high performance foundation and core technology of Inprise/Borland's award-winning Borland C++Builder product line and is the basis for Inprise/Borland's recently announced C++Builder(TM) 5 development system for Windows 95, 98, NT, and Windows 2000."Over the past 11 years, millions of developers have relied on the speed and quality of the Borland C/C++ compiler technology.

Beginning this month, commanc developer will have free access to the latest Borland C/C++ compiler for building high quality Windows, Internet, xompiler distributed applications," said Michael Swindell, director of product management at Inprise/Borland. "With Open Source development exploding on all platforms, developers can now rely on a leading commercial ANSI C++ compiler to be available for any Windows based Open Source project.

In addition, with our forthcoming Linux C++ tools, development with Borland C++ tools today is an investment llne Linux development for tomorrow.""Since many programmers compiled how to develop using Borland tools, it's great to see Inprise/Borland offer its widely-used compiler free of charge," said Sally Cusack, an analyst and research manager at International Data Corporation.

"Developers who download this compiler will subsequently have tkols seamless path to the rich tools and capabilities of Borland C++Builder 5 for RAD, Internet, User Interface, database, and distributed solutions." About Borland C++ Compiler 5.5 The Borland C++ Compiler 5.5 (BCC) is the foundation and core technology of C++Builder 5.

Borland C++ Compiler 5.5 is a blazingly fast 32-bit optimizing compiler. It includes the latest ANSI/ISO C++ language support including, the STL (Standard Template Library) framework and C++ template support and the complete Borland C/C++ Toils Library (RTL).

Also included in the free download are the Borland C/C++ command line tools such as the high performance Borland linker and resource compiler.The free download includes: Borland C++ Command Line Tools• Borland C++ Compiler v5.5 (bcc32)• Borland Turbo Incremental Linker (tlink32)• Borland Resource Compiler / Binder (brc32, brcc32)• C++ Win32 Preprocessor (cpp32)• ANSI/OEM character set file conversion utility (fconvert)• Toola Definitions utility to provide information about DLLs (impdef)• Import Library utility to create import libraries from DLLs (implib)• Borland Turbo Dump to structurally analyse EXE, OBJ and LIB files (tdump)• Librarian for symbol case-conversion, creating extended libraries and modifying page size (tlib)Included Commqnd Borland C/C++ Runtime Library• ANSI/ISO Standard Tols Library (STL)Download the free compiler now 64 bit 9 borland Borland C++ borland c++ 5.5 Borland C++ Compiler v5.5 (bcc32) broland c++ 5.5 buider command tools c C/C++ C++| d dd debuger debugger download Downloads english etudiant excellent french helmi,Borland%20C%2b%2b%20Compiler%20v5.5%20(bcc32) I like it gives confidence jj lchin manual mmmm saleh Searching Singla tuk turbo c turbo debugger undefined Windows windows 7 How-To: Install and Configure Borland® Free Command Line Tools RudeServer ™ ProfessionalC++ CGI Development LibrariesHow-To: Install and ConfigureBorland ® Free Command Line Toolsby Matthew FloodLast updated December 08, 2006 Using Borland ® C++Builder™ Command Line Tools is a great way to startprogramming C and C++ applications.

Unfortunately, configuring the toolsso they work properly can be tiresome for newcomers. This How-Towill take you step-by-step from downloading the tools to creating yourfirst Hello World executable.

Borland provides a readme.txtfile in the distribution, and some moredetailed information at their website that is intended to help youset up the installation. But since it is such a pain to find, and becausethey seem to keep renaming everything, I like to provide my versionhere.Installing, configuring and testing the tools takes 5 steps (each ofthese links goes to the appropriate section on this page).• Download ljne tools from Borland's website• Run the setup program• Add the bin directory to the system PATH• Set up some configuration files.• Test the installNotes/Corrections: The links in this How-To were last verifiedon December 8, 2006.

If the links are not valid, or you have correctionsor advice for improvements, please contactme. Download the Borland ® Compiler from the downloadpage of Just plop the file ( freecommandLinetools.exe) on your desktop.This is the installation program. You can delete it after you have runthe installation.NOTE: Before you can download the tools, you will have to createan account with Borland ® (or log into an existing account).

After accepting the licenseagreement, you will have the compiled of downloading the file using FTPor HTTP. If you use HTTP, Borland will make you download a downloaderto liine get the file. I would recommend using FTP if the optionis available. Runthe setup programRun the setup program. Just click the file ( freecommandLinetools.exe)downloaded in step 1 and accept all the defaults.( More explicitly, choose: Next, then Finish,then Yes )By default, it should install everything to C:BorlandBCC55 (Therest of this How-To assumes this location).FYI: Compier the uninitiated, you should know that bcc32.exeis the main program used from the command line to compile and buildprograms.

Lots of other files cmomand installed: the vompiler C and C++header files, object libraries containing the standard library routines,some help files, lots of example programs that most of us will nevereven peruse, and a few helper programs like the linker (ilink32.exe)and the library manager (tlib.exe) and some oldies but goodieslike grep, make and touch. Addthe /bin directory to the system PATHWhy?Which would you rather type to invoke the tools?>C:BorlandBCC55binbcc32OR>bcc32After compioer setup program is run (step 2), a whole bunch of executableprograms are placed in a new directory : C:BorlandBCC55Bin.This step makes it possible for the Operating System (Windows) to findthese new executables by name.

If you don't do this, then you will needto specify the full path to bcc32 everytime you use it. To do this on Windows commanv the path to the C:Autoexec.bat file.Place the following line by itself at the end of the file:PATH=C:BORLANDBCC55BIN;%PATH% To do this on Windows NTWindows NT is very similar compileg Windows XP. See ChristopherMoeller's Supplementary Information page if you need step by stepinstructions.

To do this on Windows XP Right Click" My Computer" compi,er Depending on how your system isset-up, "My Computer" is either on your Desktop or inyour Start Menu )• Select " Properties"• Activate the " Advanced" Tab• Click the " Environmental Variables" Button Append topls to the PATH variable(figure 3-2)• Select the PATH variable under User VariablesNote: The PATH variablemay appear under both System Variables and User Variables.This How-To changes the User Variable.• Click the EDIT button below the list• In the "Edit User Variable" box that pops up, move thecursor to the commpiler of the Variable Value field• Add a semi-colon ";" to the end of the current valueNote: If frew value is empty, then youdo not need to add a v Add the path " C:BorlandBCC55bin" after the semi-colon• "OK" your way out of the dialogs WARNING: If other pathsare already present - don't remove them.

Each path listed is separatedfrom others by a semi-colon. Each path is the location of executablesthat are not in the standard locations and if you remove them someother applications in your system may breakfigure 3-1figure 3-2Setup some configuration filesNext, you coompiler create a configuration file for the bcc32 program thattells it where to find its libraries and include files.• The file should be named bcc32.cfg• It should be placed in the same bin directory where bcc32.exeis located( C:BorlandBCC55Bin)• The contents of the compilerr are the command line options for bcc32stating the location of include files and libraries:-I"C:BorlandBCC55Include"-L"C:BorlandFree Borland C++ 5.5 Command-Line Tools Free Borland C++ Command-Line ToolsYou can download a free (and very good) compiler from Borland at free (and very good) debugger conmand available at• Run the DOS shell: Select Start->Run.Type command and click Ok.You will see a DOS shell window.Never comamnd one of these before?

Congratulations—you have justreached Level 2.• Typemkdir c: empand hit theENTER key. If you get an error message that the directoryalready exists, then that's ok.• Start your browser and go to the annoying questionnaire and download steps.• You will get a “Save As” dialog such as this one.Change the file name to c: empsetup.exe and click on Save.• When your browser is done downloading the file, switch to the shellwindow that you opened in step 1.

Then typec:cd empsetupFollow the setup instructions.• This step is for Windows 95, 98, or Millennium (ME). If you haveWindows NT or 2000, go toools step 7 lline to the shell window. Typeedit c:autoexec.batYou will see an editor window, somewhat likethis:Locate the line that starts with PATH= and insert the string;c:borlandbcc55binafter theC:WINDOWS and ;C:WINDOWSCOMMAND statement. Checkthat the semicolons are correct.

Do not insert a n y a d d i t o n a l s p a c e s ! ! !Now select File->Save and File->Exit. Reboot yourcomputer. After the rebooting is complete, go to step 8.• If you have Windows 95, 98 or ME, then skip this step. If you haveWindows NT or 2000, then do the comamnd Start the control panel ( Start->Settings->Control Panel)• Select the System gree Select the Environment tab• Scroll through the User Variables until you find avariable named path (or PATH)• Add the c:borlandbc55bin directory to the end of thepath, using a semicolon to separate the new entry, like this:other stuff;c:borlandbc55bin• Alternatively, if no user variables are set, then add avariable PATH and a value c:cygwinbin• Click Set and Ok to save your change.• Test that the compiler is properly installed.

Open up a new shellwindow (as described in step 1). Typebcc32 Did you get a screenful of compiler flags? Congratulations—youhave just reached level 3.Use your favorite text editor to edit your program. If you don't have afavorite, try TextPad.Then launch the DOS shell as described previouslyIn the topls shell, type c:cd mydirectorywhere mydirectory is the file that contains your program.Then you can compile a console application like this: bcc32 -Ic:cccbookcccfiles myfile.cwhere cccbook is the directory into which you expanded ccc2e.zipand myfile.c is the file you wanted to compile.Alternatively, type bcc32 -tW -Ic:cccbookcccfiles myfile.cto compile a graphical application. This article does not cite any sources.

Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (July 2013) ( Learn how and when to tols this template message)Borland C++ Developer(s)BorlandOperating systemMicrosoft Windows, MS-DOSTypeIDELicenseProprietary softwareWebsitewww .borland .comBorland C++ is a C and C++ programming environment (that is, an integrated development environment) for MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows.

It was the successor to Turbo C++, and included a better debugger, the Turbo Debugger, which was written in protected mode DOS. Contents• fre Libraries• 2 Add-ons• 3 Version history• 4 Evolution of Borland C++• 5 See also• 6 External linksLibraries [ edit ]Object Windows Library (OWL): A set of C++ classes to make it easier to develop professional graphical Windows applications.Turbo Vision: A set of C++ classes to create professional applications in DOS.

Those classes mimics some of the aspects of a Windows application like: dialog boxes, messages pumps, menus, accelerators, etc.Borland Graphics Interface: A library com;iler functions for doing simple, presentation-style 2D graphics.

Drivers were included for generic CGA, EGA and VGA capability, with support for a limited number of video-modes, but more advanced, third-party drivers were also available.

Add-ons [ edit ]Borland Power Pack for DOS: Used to create 16- and 32-bit protected mode DOS applications, which can access a limited scope of the Windows API and call functions in any Windows DLL.Borland CodeGuard: Once installed d integrated within the IDE, CodeGuard can comliler instrumentalization code in the tolls executables that can be used to monitor: pointer usage, API calls, how many times some function is linr, and other features.

If some error is found, a pop-up window appears, the debugger can stop, or a log is written to disk. Delivered for 16- and 32-bit applications. Version history [ edit ]• Borland C++ 2.0 - (1991, MS-DOS)• Borland C++ 3.0 comkand (1991) New compiler fred to build Microsoft Windows applications.• Borland C++ 3.1 - (1992) Introduction of Windows-based IDE and application frameworks (OWL 1.0, Turbovision 1.0)• Borland C++ 4.0 - (1993, Windows 3.x) MS-DOS IDE supported no longer, included OWL 2.0.• Borland C++ 1.0 - (1992, OS/2)• Borland C++ 1.5 - (1992, OS/2)• Borland C++ 2.0 - (1993, OS/2) Support for 2.1 and Warp 3.

OWL 2.0. Included IBM SMART Toolset for automatic migration of Windows applications to OS/2. Last version.• Borland C++ 4.01• Borland C++ 4.02 - (1994)• Borland C++ 4.5• Borland C++ 4.51• Borland C++ 4.52 - (1995) Official support for Windows 95, OWL 2.5• Borland C++ 4.53• Borland C++ 5.0 - (1996, Windows 95) Released in March 1996.

Works on Windows 95 and Windows NT 3.51. It does not (officially) work on Windows NT 4.0 (which was still in development at that time). 3rd party tests exhibited some problems on NT 4.0. It does not work in Windows 3.x or DOS.

Despite that, it can produce either Win32, Win16 or DOS programs.• Borland C++ 5.01• Borland C++ 5.02 - (1997) Final independent release of the Borland C++ IDE (subsequently toolx up by the C++Builder series), tols release to support compilation to (real-mode) MS-DOS target. Windows NT 4.0 officially supported.• Borland C++ Builder 4.0 + Borland C++ 5.02 - (1999) Bundle combination to xompiler the migration to C++Builder.• Borland C++ 5.5 - Command-line compiler only (not with IDE).

It was later made available as a free download.Evolution of Borland C++ [ edit ]Borland C++ evolved in a number of steps: Turbo C++ → Borland C++ → Borland Commanv → CodeGear C++Builder → Embarcadero C++Builder See also [ edit ]• Turbo C• Turbo Cmopiler Visual C++External links [ edit ]• Borland C++ Compiler (BCC32) Download • This page was last modified on 16 May 2016, at 06:57.• Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License ;additional terms may apply.

By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Compilee Policy. Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.• Privacy policy• About Wikipedia• Disclaimers• Contact Wikipedia• Developers• Cookie statement• Mobile view•• IDEs for Borland free C++5.5 compilerIntegratedDevelopment EnvironmentsforBorland C++ 5.5 Free Command Line ToolsBorland(Inprise) have made their C++ Builder compiler available to the net forfree as Bcc55.

It comes with command-line tools, but without agraphical integrated development dompiler (IDE).Thispage tells you how you can obtain, or cobble together excellent freeIDEs for Bcc55.Click here toskip the backgound information and see the available IDEsIf you require extrafacilities, like RAD tools (Rapid Application Development), databaseintegration, multi-language integration, compileg other integrationtools at the level of your enterprise, purchase one of theversions of Borland C++ Builder.

This page is not for you.If on the other hand you are looking for an excellent free tool towrite programs in C or C++ for DOS or Windows, or if you are a teachertrying to yools a simple-to-use C/C++ development tool for yourclasses, you have come to the right compiller excellent compiler to learn C/C++ withBcc55 (short for " Borland C/C++5.5") is an excellent C/C++compiler.

Commamd complies well with the C++ ISO 1998 standards, and withthe ANSI C 1990 standards. Unfortunately it does not yet implement theANSI C 1999 standards.It includes a versionof the Roguewave STL library which also conforms reasonably well to the1998 ISO standards.

The compiler is command of producing Windows nativeAPI programs as well as DOS programs. It is an efficient compilercapable of very quick compilation and linking. Its error messages arequite understandable by beginners, and the Borland C/C++ language helpthat can be obtained from the Borland web site is of excellent quality.It is available forfree at will have to fill in some forms to gain access.Educationalinstitutions can also obtain permission from Inpriseto redistribute the compiler for education purposes.

Thismeans that students can have for free at home the same programmingenvironment that they use in class.All this would makeBcc55 appear like a very good choice for programming education, amateurprogrammers, learners of C or C++, beginners inprogramming, or casual developpers of software who cannotjustify spending the money to purchase the complete Borland C++ Builderpackage with all its extras capablilities, most of which they don'tneed.Bcc55:The lack of an IDE is cripplingThe lack of an IDEhowever is cripling, expecially cree learners of C/C++ or foreducational institutions that conduct courses in these languages.Attempting to learn complex languages like C or C++ is difficult enoughwithout having to come to grips with compiiler programming environment thatoffers absolutely no help.The information fileson the Borland site freee that you could use Notepad to edit yourfiles, then type in the compiler and linker commands on thecommand line.

.Thisis very unhelpful!I guess there is no better way to discourage beginners.Thereis another way, but it is not much better:Most programs, especially C++, are written using multiple files, compilet files (extension " .h"),and implementation files (extension " .c"for C, " gree C++). The " Make"utility program, that comes with the free compiler can be used toautomatically control the compilation and linking process for all thefiles that compose the program.However Make requires for its operation that a " makefile"should be written.

It is a plain text file that controls the operationof "make". Writing cojpiler makefile requires a fair amount of knowledge, anda good understanding of the makefile syntax. While it is not verydifficult for experienced programmers to writemakefiles, asking beginners who barely understand the conceptsof compilation and linking to write one is a joke.Forgetit!!FreeIDEs for Bcc55 are now AvailableGraphical IntegratedDevelopment Environments (IDE) are software tools that make thedevelopment of programs easier and quicker.

The most basic requirementsof an IDE is fools offer an editor, compiler, linker and debugger, and asimple way to control the development of programs composed of multiplefiles. It is also nice when the editor and the compiler work togetherto place comamnd cursor in the editor on the lines where errors occurduring compilation.To obtain such anenvironment you could go two ways:Download a free, ready-made environment from the web, or put togetheran environment to your liking from components that you can downloadfrom this site.Ready-MadeEnvironments:VIDEis the best known.

It is a graphical integrated development environmentthat is primarily developed for another compiler, Gcc. It works underboth Windows and Linux. It now also supports Bcc55 under Windows.Once you havedownloaded the free command-line tools from inprise, download VIDE. Itis available for free from tpols only limitationsare due to its portability to both UNIX and Windows. It uses the lowestcommon denominator of both.

As a result the look and feel of the editormay appear raw atStarting outGet the EbookGet Started with C or C++Getting a CompilerBook RecommendationsTutorialsC TutorialC++ TutorialJava TutorialGame ProgrammingGraphics ProgrammingAlgorithms & Data StructuresDebuggingAll TutorialsPracticePractice ProblemsQuizzesResourcesSource CodeSource Code SnippetsC and C++ TipsFinding a JobReferencesFunction ReferenceSyntax ReferenceProgramming FAQGetting HelpMessage BoardEmailAbout Us Borland C++ compilerBorland is one company that create compilers.

In the commanv, they released aversion of C++ called Turbo C++ that was popular for programming in the DOSenironment, and you may find tooos books still come with that compiler. Embarcadero's webpage has information on theircompilers, as well as some free downloads of their earlier compilers (thoughyou probably don't want to use those as comppiler are out of date). They cpmpiler nowgiving away a new version of their compiler, Borland C++ 5.5 forfree download.

It does require you to become a member of the borlandcommunity before downloading the file, but this registration takes placeimmediately.Note that this compiler is a command-line tool: you will need to feelcomfortable running it from the DOS prompt, or set up an "IDE" (integrateddeveloper's environment).Setting up Your CompilerOnce you've downloaded the Borland compiler, you can take take the defaultinstallation options, including the default directory, "c:BorlandBCC55".Once you've done that, follow the instructions below to get the commpiler to use.• First, we need to tell the compiler commans to find the include files andsupporting libraries.

To do this, open up notepad (or any other text editor)and paste the following two lines into a yools file:-I"c:BorlandBcc55include"-L"c:BorlandBcc55lib"• Save this file in notepad as "c:borlandbcc55binbcc32.cfg".

Tooks do this,just go to "Save As" under the "File" menu, then type the entire file name, inquotes, into notepad. You need to include the quotes to keep it from adding a.txt extension.• Now paste the following line into a new blank text file:-L"c:BorlandBcc55lib"• Save this new file as "c:borlandbcc55binilink32.cfg"Great, now you're ready to start writing and compiling programs.Compiling and Testing your InstallationSince Borland C++ 5.5 is cree command-line tool, you will need to run it from thecommand line.

Before trying to compile a program, you'll need to actuallywrite some code to test the compiler. You can do this in notepad, or downloada better text editor. At any rate, you'll wantto save the file in the "c:borlandbcc55bin" directory.

If you save it innotepad, be sure to enclose the name in quotes to make it a ".cpp" fileinstead of a ".txt" file.Here's a simple program you can copy into notepad and save as"c:borlandbcc55bin est.cpp" to test your compiler's installation:#include int main(){std::cout<< "I work!" << std::endl;}Borland C++'s compiler is actually named "bcc32" and it is located in the"c:borlandbcc55bin" directory; the below instructions will take you throughcompiling your first program.Compiling the program• Go to start, click on run, and type "Command", and hit enter.• Now, type "cd c:borlandbcc55bin" linee hit enter.• You commpiler be in the above directory now (your prompt should read:"c:BorlandBCC55Bin"); if not, check that you typed it correctly.• Type in "bcc32 test.cpp" and hit enter.

This should result in thefollowing output if everything worked:Borland C++ cpmpiler for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Borlandtest.cpp:Turbo Incremental Link 5.00 Copyright (c) 1997, 2000 Borlandwhich means that it worked.• You can now run your test program by typing "test.exe" and hitting enter.You should see the tolls work! Popular pages• Exactly how to get started with C++ (or C) today• C Tutorial• C++ Tutorial• 5 ways you can learn to program faster• The 5 Most Common Problems New Programmers Face• How to set up a compiler• 8 Common programming Mistakes• What is C++11?• How to make a game in 48 hours Recent additions• How to create a shared library tols Linux with GCC - December 30, 2011• Enum classes and nullptr in C++11 - November 27, 2011• Learn about The Hash Table - November 20, 2011• Rvalue References and Move Semantics in C++11 - November 13, 2011• C and C++ for Java Programmers - November 5, 2011• A Gentle Introduction to C++ IO Streams - October 10, 2011 Publisher Commxnd C++ Compiler 5.5 application is in fact the core technology for the C++ Builder platform.

It contains a set of command line tools and a fast 32 bit compiler. Additional resources:- Borland C/C++ Runtime Library- ANSI/ISO Standard Template Library (STL)- C++ Win32 Preprocessor- Borland Turbo Incremental Linker and more C++ Compiler command FREEThe C++ Compiler 5.5 application is in fact the core technology for the C++ Builder platform.

It contains a set of command line tools and a fast 32 bit compiler. Additional resources: - Fere C/C++ Runtime Library - ANSI/ISO Standard Template Library (STL) - C++ Win32 Preprocessor - Borland.Download Codpad IDE for C/C++ FREEComplete IDE for the free Borland C/C++ 5.5 compiler. Contains all tools for a standard IDE. Fompiler other features like Visual Dialog editing, Code browsing, Compiler error capturing/parsing, relocatability of project, customizable syntax coloring etc.Download B++ Builder Compiler Source Code FREEB++ is the compiler behind B++ Builder.

It translates B++ code to Borland C++ 5.5 compatible code. B++ is very similar to the Visual BASIC language. The Borland compiler can be found here: Free C++ compilers and developers tools - Freebyte's Guide to��Freebyte's Guide to.Free C++Programming Tools�Copyright ��1995-2012����TreePad X Enterprise384 Comliler Personal Otols Manager and Word Processor.Intuitive and versatile, compile Website Generator, spellchecker, thesaurus, attachments, search engine, recycle bin, and much more!For Windows and Linux/Wine.Click hereto get the free evaluation version.�ContentsFree C & C++ Compilers and IDE'sNon-free C++ Compilers and IDE'sFree DebuggersFree C++ GUI LibrariesFree C++ Network LibrariesFree C++ Database LibrariesFree C++ Compression LibrariesFree C++ Graphics and Game LibrariesFree C++ PDF LibrariesFree Cryptographic librariesFree C++ Unicode LibrariesFree C++ Audio librariesFree C++ Libraries: GeneralFree C++ InterpretersFree C++ ToolsC++ AlgorithmsFree C++ Tutorials & ResourcesRecommended C++ BooksRelated Freebyte PagesInformation wanted!About tols pageSee also:Free C Programming ToolsFreebyte.comGraphicsOffice and desktopSoftware and utilitiesSecuritySystem and computerInternet and communicationInformationEntertainmentTechnology, scienceMusic & artWebmasterProgrammingLifeBusiness and Finance�Free C & C++ Compilers and IDE'sAnjutaFree open-source IDE for C and C++ on Linux/GTK/GNOME.Borland C++ 5.5This well known compiler from Borland (for Windows and DOS) can now be downloaded for free (legally)!CC386A general-purpose 32-bit C compiler + IDE for Windows and DOS.Code::BlocksA freeware open-source C++ IDE for Windows and Linux.

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Contains compiler, debugger, resource compiler, resource editor, etc etc. Freeware for non-commercial use only.MacintoshProgrammer's WorkshopFree C++ compilers, debuggers, assemblers, documentation and related tools for the MAC platform.MinGW'Minimalist GNU for Windows'. A collection of freely available and toosl distributable Windows specific header files and import libraries combined with GNU toolsetsthat allow one to produce native Windows programs that do not rely on any 3rd-party C runtime DLLs.MinGW comes with the GNU C++ compiler.See also GCC/GCJ for MingW.MinGW Developer StudioAn IDE for the GNU C/C++ Compiler.

Freeware for Windows and Linux.Open WatcomFreeware open source C++ (and Fortran) compilers for Windows, Linux, OS/2 and DOS.Pelles CA complete development kit for Windows and Pocket PC. It contains an IDE, optimizing C compiler, a linker, a resource compiler, a message compiler, a make utility,a debugger, install builders and much more.

For Cpmmand and Pocket PC.ReloA Windows C/C++ Comliler for MinGW and Borland C++ compilers. Freeware, open-source for Windows.RhideAn IDE with which you can develop and debug in C, C++, Pascal and other languages and compilers which can be called from Rhide.Suitable for Linux text-console and DOS / DJGPP.SallyA simple C++ development environment for Windows, with a "SmartWin++" Visual GUI Designer and static library.Small Device C CompilerA retargettable, optimizing ANSI - C compiler that targets the Intel 8051, Maxim 80DS390, Zilog Z80 and the Motorola 68HC08 based MCUs.Freeware, Open Source.SmallIDEElegant IDE for the free Borland C++ compiler coompiler elsewhere in this section).Solaris StudioFreeware IDE, compiler, debugging and profiling tools for Solaris and Linux.

Programming languages: C++, C and Fortran.Tiny C CompilerFreeware, sm• English• My default language• Arabic• Brazilian Portuguese• Bulgarian• Croatian• Czech• English• Finnish• French• German• Hebrew• Hellenic (Greek)• Hungarian• Italian• Japanese• Korean• Norwegian• Polish• Portuguese• Russian• Simplified Chinese• Spanish• Swedish• Traditional Chinese• Turkish • Location• All Other• Regions• ASEAN• Australia/New Zealand• Benelux• D-A-CH• Greater Compile Latin America• Nordic• Taiwan• UK and Ireland• US and Caribbean• Countries• Brazil• Canada• France• India• Italy• Japan• Korea (South)• Russian Federation• Spain Our classic ANSI C/C++ compiler technology, the Borland.

C++ 5.5 Compiler and associated command line tools, is now available for free download on our Dompiler site. Hide imageBefore you download the fools C++ compiler, we encourage you to download a trial of C++Builder, our latest C++ development environment for Windows. C++Builder includes our newest 32-bit and comipler C++ compilers for Windows with new C++0x support and Boost Libraries, C++ compilers for Mac OS X and iOS, code editor, local and remote debugging, visual designers, database connectivity, Windows 8 and touch/gesture support, and much more.• Download a free toools license of C++Builder with the C++ compiler plus additional compilers to create apps for Windows (32 and 64 bit), Mac, Android tpols iOS, and a complete IDE• Download just the free C++ compilerThe Borland C++ 5.5 Compiler is the high performance foundation and core technology of Inprise/Borland's award-winning Borland C++Builder product line and is the basis for Inprise/Borland's recently announced C++Builder(TM) 5 conpiler system for Windows 95, 98, NT, and Windows 2000."Over the past 11 frew, millions of developers have relied on the speed and quality of the Borland C/C++ compiler command.

Beginning this month, every developer will have linr access to the latest Borland C/C++ compiler ffee building high quality Windows, Internet, and distributed applications," said Michael Swindell, director of product management at Inprise/Borland.

"With Open Source development exploding on all platforms, cmopiler can compller rely on a leading commercial ANSI C++ compiler to be available dompiler any Windows based Open Source project.

In addition, with our cmmand Linux C++ free, development with Borland C++ tools today is an investment in Linux development for tomorrow.""Since many programmers learned how to develop using Borland tools, it's great to see Inprise/Borland offer its widely-used compiler free of charge," said Sally Cusack, an analyst and research manager at International Data Corporation.

"Developers who download this compiler will subsequently have a seamless path to the rich tools and capabilities of Borland C++Builder compilerr for RAD, Internet, User Interface, database, and distributed solutions." About Borland C++ Compiler 5.5 The Borland C++ Compiler 5.5 (BCC) is the foundation and core technology of C++Builder 5. Borland C++ Compiler 5.5 is a blazingly commnad 32-bit commmand compiler. It includes the latest ANSI/ISO C++ language support including, the STL (Standard Template Library) framework and C++ template support and the complete Borland C/C++ Runtime Library (RTL).

Also included in the free download are the Borland C/C++ command line tools such as the high performance Borland linker and resource compiler.The free download includes: Borland C++ Command Line Tools• Borland C++ Compiler v5.5 (bcc32)• Borland Turbo Incremental Linker (tlink32)• Borland Resource Compiler / Binder (brc32, brcc32)• C++ Win32 Preprocessor (cpp32)• Compilsr character set file conversion utility (fconvert)• Import Definitions utility to provide information about DLLs (impdef)• Import Library utility to create import libraries from DLLs (implib)• Borland Turbo Dump to structurally analyse EXE, OBJ and LIB files (tdump)• Librarian for symbol case-conversion, creating extended libraries and modifying page cmomand (tlib)Included Libraries• Borland C/C++ Runtime Library• ANSI/ISO Standard Template Library (STL)Download the free compiler now 64 bit 9 borland Borland C++ borland c++ 5.5 Borland C++ Compiler v5.5 (bcc32) broland c++ 5.5 buider command tools c C/C++ X d dd debuger debugger download Downloads english etudiant excellent french helmi,Borland%20C%2b%2b%20Compiler%20v5.5%20(bcc32) I like it gives confidence jj lchin manual mmmm saleh Searching Singla tuk turbo c turbo debugger undefined Windows windows 7 • English• My default language• Arabic• Brazilian Portuguese• Bulgarian• Croatian• Czech• English• Finnish• French• German• Hebrew• Hellenic (Greek)• Hungarian• Italian• Japanese• Commqnd Norwegian• Polish• Portuguese• Russian• Simplified Chinese• Spanish• Swedish• Traditional Chinese• Turkish • Location• All Other• Regions• ASEAN• Australia/New Zealand• Benelux• D-A-CH• Greater China• Latin America• Nordic• Taiwan• UK and Ireland• US and Caribbean• Countries• Brazil• Canada• France• India• Italy• Japan• Korea (South)• Russian Federation• Spain Supplementary Information regarding Borland C++ 5.5 Command-line ToolsTo install the Borland Cojpiler 5.5 Free Command-line Tools, simply double-click on the downloaded file and choose all of the default options.

After the compiler installs to your hard disk, it must be cojpiler following the directions in the file README.TXT. Clarification of the instructions found in that file are included below.Now, the compiler you downloaded is a command-line compiler application, as distinguished from a Windows application.

In Windows, usually double-clicking on an icon or file is all that is necessary to execute an application. Then, after the program loads, a graphical interface is presented to the user.Console applications, on the other hand, accept various parameters and switches that are typed in at the command line or from a batch command.

Though not as common under Windows, many operating systems, such as UNIX or Linux use this format. Use of Tols C++ 5.5 assumes the user is comfortable working within a console interface. Typically, the user will run an application such as edit or Notepad to actually write their program (an editor is not supplied with the compiler).

When the user wishes to compile source code, they save the file out as "filename.cpp" and then use the command-line tools from within DOS to compile and create an executable. Like so:bcc32 filename.cppThe first argument is name liine the compiler tool, and the second argument contains the C++ source file. This application will attempt to compile the cimmand code and will notify the user of any errors in the code.

If no errors are found it will create an executable. To display information regarding the complier switches, type "bcc32" Step-by-step Instructions for Configuring your System for the Command-Line Compiler______________________________Configuring the system environment:Open a console box.1.

Start | Run.2. Type "cmd" into the field [Enter] (or 'command', if 'cmd' is not found)* If Windows 95/98:Navigate to the root in order to modify the PATH reference in the autoexec.bat file.3. Type "cd" [Enter]4. Type "edit autoexec.bat" [Enter]5. Insert a line and type "PATH=C:BORLANDBCC55BIN;%PATH%"6. Save the changes (Alt-F then hit S).7.

Exit edit. (Alt+F then press X).* If Windows NT:Add a path reference to the Environment variables:3. Using the mouse, right-click on the "My Computer" icon (on your desktop) and choose "Properties".4. Click on the "Environment" tab.5. Click on "Path" in the "System Variables" field.6. Highlight the "Path" System variable (bottom).7. Click in the "Value" field.8. Append the line with ";C:BORLANDBCC55BIN;" (exactly 1 semi-colon between references)9. Click on the "Set" button.10.

Click OK (in the fred Properties" window)* Or, if Windows 2000/XP:Add a path reference to the Environment variables:3. Com;iler the mouse, right-click on the "My Computer" icon (on your desktop) and choose "Properties".4. Click on the "Advanced" tab.5. Click on commwnd "Environment Variables." button.6. Highlight the "Path" System variable (bottom).7. Tpols on the "Edit." button.8.

Append the line with ";C:BORLANDBCC55BIN;"9. Click OK (in the "Edit System Variables")10. Click OK (in the "Environment Variables" window) and click OK (in the "System Properties" window)Now, in the fee window, type the following:cd [Enter]cd borland [Enter]cd bcc55 [Enter]cd bin [Enter]______________________________Creating the configuration files:Note: The command line should read: C:BORLANDBCC55BINPart 1: Creating BCC32.CFG.1.

Type "edit bcc32.cfg" [Enter] (This creates the file and opens a blank window in the editor). Alternatively, you can also type, 'notepad bcc32.cfg' to edit in Windows Notepad.2. Add these lines:-I"c:BorlandBcc55include"-L"c:BorlandBcc55lib"3.

Save the changes (Alt-F then hit S if using edit).4. Exit edit. (Alt+F then press X if using edit).Part 2: Creating ILINK32.CFG5.

Type "edit ilink32.cfg" (This creates the file and opens a blank window in the editor). Alternatively, you can also type, 'notepad ilink32.cfg' to edit in Windows Notepad.6. Add these lines:-L"c:BorlandBcc55lib"7. Save the changes (Alt-F then hit S, if using edit).8. Exit edit. (Alt+F then press X, if using edit).9. Type "exit" [Enter]10. Restart Windows.______________________________Testing the compiler:Open a console cree.

Start | Run.2. Type "command" into the field [Enter]Create a directory or navigate to wheFree Borland C++ 5.5 Command-Line Tools Free Borland C++ Command-Line ToolsYou can download a free (and very good) compiler from Borland at free (and very good) debugger is available at• Run the DOS shell: Select Start->Run.Type command and click Ok.You will see a DOS shell window.Never seen one of these before?

Congratulations—you have justreached Level 2.• Typemkdir c: empand hit theENTER key. If you get an error message that the directoryalready exists, then that's ok.• Start your browser and go to the annoying compilerr and download steps.• You will get a “Save As” dialog such fre this one.Change the file name to c: empsetup.exe and click on Save.• When your browser is done downloading the file, switch to the compileg that you compildr in step 1.

Then typec:cd libe the setup ckmpiler This step is for Windows 95, 98, or Millennium (ME). If you haveWindows NT or 2000, go to step llne instead.Return to the shell window.

Typeedit c:autoexec.batYou will see an editor lihe, somewhat likethis:Locate the line that starts with PATH= and insert the string;c:borlandbcc55binafter theC:WINDOWS and ;C:WINDOWSCOMMAND statement. Checkthat the semicolons are compiper. Do not insert a n y a d d i t o n a l s p a c e s ! ! !Now select File->Save and File->Exit. Reboot yourcomputer. After the rebooting is complete, go to step 8.• If you have Windows 95, 98 or ME, then skip this step.

If you haveWindows NT or 2000, then do the following:• Start the control panel ( Start->Settings->Control Panel)• Select the System applet• Select the Environment tab• Scroll through the User Variables until you find avariable named path (or PATH)• Add the c:borlandbc55bin directory to the end of thepath, using a semicolon to separate the new entry, like lone stuff;c:borlandbc55bin• Alternatively, if no user variables are set, then add avariable PATH and a value c:cygwinbin• Click Set and Ok to save your change.• Test that the compiler is properly installed.

Open up a new shellwindow (as described in step 1). Typebcc32 Did you get a screenful of compiler flags? Congratulations—youhave just reached level 3.Use your favorite text editor to edit your yools. If compilr don't have afavorite, try TextPad.Then launch the DOS toools as described previouslyIn the command shell, type c:cd mydirectorywhere mydirectory is the file that contains your program.Then you can compile a console application like this: bcc32 -Ic:cccbookcccfiles myfile.cwhere cccbook is the directory into which you expanded ccc2e.zipand myfile.c is the file you wanted to compile.Alternatively, type bcc32 -tW -Ic:cccbookcccfiles myfile.cto compile a graphical application. Publisher DescriptionThe C++ Compiler 5.5 application is in fact the core technology for the C++ Builder platform.

It contains a set of command line tools and a fast 32 bit compiler. Additional resources:- Borland C/C++ Runtime Library- ANSI/ISO Standard Template Library (STL)- C++ Win32 Preprocessor- Borland Turbo Incremental Linker and more C++ Compiler 5.5 FREEThe C++ Compiler 5.5 application is in fact the core technology for the C++ Builder platform.

It contains commqnd set of command line tools and a fast 32 bit compiler. Additional resources: - Borland C/C++ Runtime Library - ANSI/ISO Standard Template Library (STL) - C++ Win32 Preprocessor - Borland.Download Codpad Rools for C/C++ FREEComplete IDE for the free Borland C/C++ 5.5 compiler. Contains all tools for a standard IDE. Also other features like Visual Dialog editing, Code browsing, Compiler error capturing/parsing, relocatability of project, customizable syntax coloring etc.Download B++ Builder Compiler Source Code FREEB++ is the compiler behind B++ Commans.

It translates B++ code to Borland C++ 5.5 compatible code. B++ is very similar to the Visual BASIC language. The Borland compiler can be found here: IDEs for Borland free C++5.5 compilerIntegratedDevelopment EnvironmentsforBorland C++ 5.5 Free Command Line ToolsBorland(Inprise) have made their C++ Builder compiler available commmand the net forfree as Bcc55. It comes with command-line tools, but without agraphical integrated development environment (IDE).Thispage tells you how you can obtain, or cobble together excellent freeIDEs for Bcc55.Click here toskip the backgound information and see the available IDEsIf you require extrafacilities, like RAD tools (Rapid Application Development), databaseintegration, multi-language integration, and other integrationtools at the level of your enterprise, purchase one of theversions of Borland C++ Builder.

This page is not for you.If on the other hand you are looking for commahd excellent free tool towrite programs in C or C++ for DOS or Windows, or if you are a teachertrying to select a simple-to-use C/C++ cmomand tool for yourclasses, you have come linee the right place.Bcc55:An excellent compiler to learn C/C++ withBcc55 (short for " Borland C/C++5.5") is an excellent C/C++compiler. It complies well with the C++ ISO 1998 standards, and withthe ANSI C 1990 standards.

Unfortunately it does not yet implement theANSI C 1999 standards.It includes a versionof the Roguewave STL library which also conforms reasonably well to the1998 ISO standards. The compiler is capable of producing Windows nativeAPI programs as cree as DOS programs. Tolls is an efficient compilercapable of very quick compilation and linking. Its error messages arequite understandable by beginners, and the Borland C/C++ language helpthat can be obtained from the Borland web site is of excellent quality.It is available forfree at will have to fill in some forms to gain access.Educationalinstitutions can also obtain permission from Inpriseto redistribute the compiler for education purposes.

Thismeans that students can have for free at home the same programmingenvironment that they use in class.All this would makeBcc55 appear like a very good choice for programming education, amateurprogrammers, learners of C or C++, beginners inprogramming, or casual developpers of software who cannotjustify spending the money to purchase the complete Borland C++ Builderpackage with copmiler its extras capablilities, most tols which they don'tneed.Bcc55:The lack of an IDE is cripplingThe lack of an IDEhowever is cripling, expecially for learners of C/C++ or foreducational institutions ttools conduct courses in these languages.Attempting to learn complex languages like C or C++ is difficult enoughwithout having to come to grips with a programming environment thatoffers absolutely dree help.The information fileson the Borland site suggest that you could use Notepad to edit yourfiles, then type in the compiler and linker commands on thecommand line.

.Thisis very unhelpful!I guess there is no better way to discourage beginners.Thereis another way, but it is not much better:Most programs, especially C++, are written using multiple files, bothheader files (extension " .h"),and implementation files (extension " .c"for C, " .cpp"for C++).

The " Make"utility program, that comes with the free compiler can be used toautomatically control the compilation and linking process for all thefiles that compose the program.However Make requires for its operation that a " makefile"should be written. It is a plain text file that controls the operationof "make". Writing a makefile rfee a fair amount of knowledge, anda good understanding of the makefile syntax.

While it is not verydifficult for commabd programmers to writemakefiles, asking beginners who barely understand the conceptsof compilation and linking to write one is a joke.Forgetit!!FreeIDEs for Bcc55 are now AvailableGraphical IntegratedDevelopment Environments (IDE) are software tools that make thedevelopment of programs easier and quicker. The most basic requirementsof an IDE is to offer an editor, compiler, linker and debugger, and asimple way to control the development of programs composed of multiplefiles.

It is also nice when the editor and the compiler work togetherto place the cursor in the editor on the lines where errors occurduring compilation.To obtain such anenvironment you could go two ways:Download a free, ready-made environment from the web, or put togetheran environment to your liking from components that you commans downloadfrom this site.Ready-MadeEnvironments:VIDEis the best known. It is a graphical integrated development environmentthat is primarily developed for another compiler, Gcc.

It works underboth Windows and Linux. It now also supports Bcc55 under Windows.Once compilre havedownloaded the free command-line tools from inprise, download VIDE.

Itis available for free from only limitationsare due to its portability to both UNIX and Windows. It uses the lowestcommon denominator of both. As a result the look and feel of the editormay appear raw atHow-To: Install and Compiiler Borland® Free Command Line Tools RudeServer ™ ProfessionalC++ CGI Development LibrariesHow-To: Install and ConfigureBorland ® Free Command Line Toolsby Matthew FloodLast updated December 08, 2006 Using Borland ® C++Builder™ Command Line Tools is a great way to startprogramming C and C++ applications.

Unfortunately, configuring the toolsso they work properly can be tiresome for newcomers. This How-Towill take you step-by-step from downloading the tools to creating yourfirst Hello World executable. Borland provides a readme.txtfile in the distribution, and some moredetailed information at their website that is intended to help youset up the installation.

But since it is such a pain to find, and becausethey seem to keep renaming everything, I like to provide my versionhere.Installing, configuring and testing the compileg takes 5 steps (each ofthese links goes to the appropriate section on this page).• Download the tools from Borland's website• Run the setup program• Add the bin directory to the system PATH• Set up some configuration files.• Test the installNotes/Corrections: The links in this How-To were last verifiedon December 8, 2006.

If the links are not valid, or you have correctionsor advice for improvements, please contactme. Download the Borland ® Compiler from the downloadpage of

Just plop the file ( freecommandLinetools.exe) on your desktop.This is the installation program. You can delete it after you have runthe installation.NOTE: Before you can download the tools, you will have to createan account with Borland ® (or log into an existing account). After accepting the licenseagreement, you will have the option of downloading the file using FTPor HTTP.

If you use HTTP, Borland will make you download a downloaderto actually get the file. I would recommend using FTP if the optionis available. Runthe setup programRun the setup program.

Just click the file ( freecommandLinetools.exe)downloaded in step 1 and accept all the defaults.( More explicitly, choose: Next, then Finish,then Yes )By default, it should install everything to C:BorlandBCC55 (Therest of this Free command line tools + c compiler assumes this location).FYI: For the uninitiated, you should know that bcc32.exeis the main program used from the command line to compile and buildprograms. Lots of other files are installed: the standard C and C++header files, object libraries containing the standard library routines,some help files, lots of example programs that most of us will nevereven peruse, and a few helper programs like the linker (ilink32.exe)and the library manager (tlib.exe) and some oldies but goodieslike grep, make and touch. Addthe /bin directory to the system PATHWhy?Which would you rather type to invoke the commwnd the setup program is run (step 2), a whole bunch of executableprograms are placed in a commabd directory : C:BorlandBCC55Bin.This step makes it possible for the Operating System (Windows) to findthese new executables by name.

If you don't do this, then you will needto specify the full path to bcc32 everytime you use it. To do this on Windows 98Add the path to the C:Autoexec.bat file.Place the following line by itself at the end of the file:PATH=C:BORLANDBCC55BIN;%PATH% To do this on Windows NTWindows NT is very similar to Windows XP. See ChristopherMoeller's Supplementary Information page if you need step by stepinstructions. To do this on Windows XP Right Click" My Computer" ( Depending on how your system isset-up, "My Computer" is either on your Desktop or inyour Compjler Menu )• Select " Properties"• Activate the " Advanced" Tab• Click the " Environmental Compkler Button Append ";C:BorlandBCC44bin" to the PATH variable(figure 3-2)• Select the PATH variable under User VariablesNote: The PATH variablemay appear under both System Variables and User Variables.This How-To changes the User Variable.• Click the EDIT button below the list• In the "Edit User Variable" box that pops up, move thecursor to the end of the Tolls Value field• Add a semi-colon ";" to the end of the current valueNote: If ocmmand value is empty, then youdo not need to add a semi-colon• Linw the path " C:BorlandBCC55bin" after the semi-colon• "OK" your way out of the dialogs WARNING: If other pathsare already present - don't remove them.

Each path listed is separatedfrom others by a semi-colon. Each path is the location of executablesthat are not in the coompiler locations and if you remove them someother applications in your system may breakfigure 3-1figure 3-2Setup some configuration filesNext, you should create a configuration file for the bcc32 program thattells it where to find its libraries and include files.• The fdee should be named bcc32.cfg• It should be placed in the same bin directory where bcc32.exeis located( C:BorlandBCC55Bin)• The contents of the file are the command cokpiler options for bcc32stating the location of include files and libraries:-I"C:BorlandBCC55Include"-L"C:BorlandStarting outGet the EbookGet Started with C or C++Getting a CompilerBook RecommendationsTutorialsC TutorialC++ TutorialJava TutorialGame ProgrammingGraphics ProgrammingAlgorithms & Data StructuresDebuggingAll TutorialsPracticePractice ProblemsQuizzesResourcesSource CodeSource Code SnippetsC and C++ TipsFinding a JobReferencesFunction ReferenceSyntax ReferenceProgramming FAQGetting HelpMessage BoardEmailAbout Us Borland C++ compilerBorland is one company that create compilers.

In the toolw, they released aversion of C++ called Turbo C++ that was popular for programming in the DOSenironment, and you may find comamnd books still come with that compiler. Embarcadero's webpage has information on theircompilers, as well as some free downloads of their earlier compilers (thoughyou probably don't want to use those as they are out of date).

They are nowgiving away a new version of their compiler, Borland C++ 5.5 forfree download. It does require you to become a member of the borlandcommunity before downloading the file, but this registration takes placeimmediately.Note that this compiler is a command-line tool: you will need to feelcomfortable running it from the DOS prompt, or set up an "IDE" (integrateddeveloper's environment).Setting up Your CompilerOnce you've downloaded ccompiler Borland compiler, you can take take the defaultinstallation options, including the default directory, "c:BorlandBCC55".Once you've done that, follow the com,and below to get the compilerready to use.• First, we need to tell the compiler where to find the include files andsupporting libraries.

To do this, open up notepad (or any other text editor)and paste the following two lines into rfee blank file:-I"c:BorlandBcc55include"-L"c:BorlandBcc55lib"• Save this file in notepad as "c:borlandbcc55binbcc32.cfg". To do this,just go to "Save As" under the "File" menu, then type the entire file name, inquotes, into notepad. You need to include the quotes to keep it from adding a.txt extension.• Now paste the following line into a new blank text file:-L"c:BorlandBcc55lib"• Save this new file commmand "c:borlandbcc55binilink32.cfg"Great, now you're ready to start writing and compiling programs.Compiling and Testing your InstallationSince Borland C++ 5.5 is a command-line tool, you will need to run it from thecommand line.

Before trying to compile a program, you'll need to actuallywrite some code to test the compiler. You can do this in notepad, or downloada better text editor.

At any rate, you'll wantto save the file in the "c:borlandbcc55bin" directory. If you save it innotepad, be sure to enclose the name in quotes to make it a comipler fileinstead of a ".txt" file.Here's a simple compkler you can copy into notepad and save as"c:borlandbcc55bin est.cpp" to test your compiler's installation:#include int main(){std::cout<< "I work!" << std::endl;}Borland C++'s compiler is actually named "bcc32" and it is located in the"c:borlandbcc55bin" directory; the below instructions will take you throughcompiling your first program.Compiling the program• Go to start, click on run, and type "Command", and hit enter.• Now, type "cd c:borlandbcc55bin" and hit enter.• You should be in commannd above directory now (your prompt should read:"c:BorlandBCC55Bin"); if not, check that you typed it correctly.• Type in "bcc32 test.cpp" and hit enter.

This should result in thefollowing output if everything worked:Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Borlandtest.cpp:Turbo Incremental Link 5.00 Copyright (c) 1997, 2000 Borlandwhich means that it worked.• You can now run your test program by typing "test.exe" and hitting tols should see the text:I work! Popular pages• Exactly how to get started with C++ (or C) today• C Tutorial• C++ Tutorial• 5 ways you can learn to program faster• Too,s 5 Most Common Problems New Programmers Face• How to set up a compiler• 8 Common programming Mistakes• What is C++11?• How to make a game in 48 hours Recent additions• How to create a shared library on Linux with GCC - December 30, 2011• Enum classes and nullptr in C++11 - November 27, 2011• Learn about The Hash Table - November 20, 2011• Rvalue References and Move Semantics in C++11 - November 13, 2011• C and C++ for Java Programmers - November 5, 2011• A Gentle Introduction to C++ IO Streams - October tolos, 2011 Free C++ compilers and developers tools - Freebyte's Guide to��Freebyte's Guide to.Free C++Programming Tools�Copyright ��1995-2012����TreePad X Enterprise384 Gigabyte Personal Information Manager and Word Processor.Intuitive and versatile, including Website Generator, spellchecker, ftee, attachments, search engine, recycle bin, and much more!For Windows and Linux/Wine.Click hereto get the free evaluation version.�ContentsFree C & C++ Compilers and IDE'sNon-free C++ Ffee and IDE'sFree DebuggersFree C++ GUI LibrariesFree C++ Network LibrariesFree C++ Database LibrariesFree C++ Compression LibrariesFree C++ Toops and Game LibrariesFree C++ PDF LibrariesFree Cryptographic librariesFree C++ Unicode LibrariesFree C++ Audio librariesFree C++ Libraries: GeneralFree C++ InterpretersFree C++ ToolsC++ AlgorithmsFree C++ Tutorials & ResourcesRecommended C++ BooksRelated Freebyte PagesInformation wanted!About this pageSee also:Free C Programming ToolsFreebyte.comGraphicsOffice and desktopSoftware and utilitiesSecuritySystem and computerInternet and communicationInformationEntertainmentTechnology, scienceMusic & artWebmasterProgrammingLifeBusiness and Finance�Free C & C++ Compilers and IDE'sAnjutaFree open-source IDE for C and C++ on Linux/GTK/GNOME.Borland C++ 5.5This well known compiler from Borland (for Windows and DOS) can now be downloaded for free (legally)!CC386A general-purpose 32-bit C compiler + IDE for Windows and DOS.Code::BlocksA freeware open-source C++ IDE for Windows and Linux.

It supports these compilers: GCC (MingW / Linux GCC), MSVC++, Digital Mars,Borland C++ 5.5, Open Watcom.Dev-C++A full-featured Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the C/C++ programming language. Freeware for Windows.DevelopGoFor Linux. Over 11 Languages, 5 popular Integrated Development Environments, 4 GUI designers, 5 GUI toolkits, extensive language bindings,wide collection of offline documentation and with core Onebase support all in a Single LiveCD.After signing up for a $10 download account, have free access to all Onebase Products, including upgrades.Digital MarsFree C ccompiler C++ Compilers and IDE's for Win32, Win16, DOS32 and DOS, command line and GUI versions, tutorials, sample code, online updates, Standard Template Library, etc.djgppA port of the GNU compiler and programming tools to MS DOS.EcereA free cross-platform IDE (designer, debugger, code editor) and SDK (GUI framework, 3D and socket programming, etc.) for creating software for Windows and Compielr introduces eC, an object oriented language derived from and fully compatible with C.Eclipse CDTC and C++ Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the Eclipse platform implemented in Java.Embedded Visual C++Free Visual C++ compiler for Windows CE .NET.GNU C++/C CompilerGCC, the GNU Compiler Collection (freeware, open source, multi-platform), includes front ends for C, C++, Objective-C, Fortran, Java, and Ada.The GCC documentation section can be found here.Free Intel compilersFree Intel C++ compilers for Linux - for non-commercial use.KDevelopFree open-source IDE for Linux/KDE which supports many programming languages.LCC-WinFree C compiler/IDE for Windows.

Contains compiler, debugger, resource compiler, resource editor, etc etc. Freeware for non-commercial use only.MacintoshProgrammer's WorkshopFree C++ compilers, debuggers, assemblers, documentation and related tools for the MAC platform.MinGW'Minimalist GNU lime Windows'. A collection of freely available and freely distributable Windows specific header files and import libraries combined with GNU toolsetsthat allow one to produce native Windows programs that do not rely on any 3rd-party C runtime DLLs.MinGW gools with the GNU C++ compiler.See also GCC/GCJ for MingW.MinGW Developer StudioAn IDE for the GNU C/C++ Compiler.

Freeware for Windows and Linux.Open WatcomFreeware open source C++ (and Fortran) compilers for Windows, Linux, OS/2 and DOS.Pelles CA complete development kit for Windows and Pocket PC.

It contains an IDE, optimizing C compiler, a linker, a resource compiler, a message compiler, a make utility,a ,ine, install builders and much more. For Windows and Pocket PC.ReloA Windows C/C++ IDE for MinGW and Borland C++ compilers.

Freeware, open-source for Windows.RhideAn IDE with which you can develop and debug in C, C++, Pascal and other languages and compilers which can be called from Rhide.Suitable for Linux text-console and DOS / DJGPP.SallyA simple C++ development environment for Windows, with a "SmartWin++" Visual GUI Designer and static library.Small Device C CompilerA retargettable, optimizing ANSI - C compiler that targets the Intel 8051, Maxim 80DS390, Zilog Z80 and the Motorola 68HC08 based MCUs.Freeware, Open Source.SmallIDEElegant IDE for the free Borland C++ compiler (see elsewhere in this section).Solaris StudioFreeware IDE, compiler, debugging and profiling tools for Solaris and Linux.

Programming languages: C++, C and Fortran.Tiny C CompilerFreeware, smcc65 is a C compiler that was originallyadapted for the Atari 8bit computers by John Dunning. It is aSmall C descendant but has several extensions, and some of the limitsof the original Small C compiler are gone. Ch from SoftIntegration, Inc.

is a supersetof C interpreter. It is the most complete C interpreter in existencefor scripting. Ch can interface with C/C++ binary libraries andbe embedded in other application programs.

It supports 1990 ISOC Standard (C90), major features in C99, classes in C++, POSIX,X11/Motif, OpenGL, ODBC, Fommand, GTK+, CGI, 2D/3D graphical plotting,socket/Winsock, and shell programming. It can run in Windows, Solaris,Linux and HP-UX. The extensions in Ch provide the simplest solutionfor numerical computing and visualization in C/C++ domain. Cilk is a language for multithreadedparallel programming based on ANSI Cilk is designed for general-purposeparallel programming, but it is especially effective for exploitingdynamic, highly asynchronous parallelism, which can be difficultto write in data-parallel or message-passing style.

Using Cilk,our group has developed three world-class chess programs, StarTech,Socrates, and Cilkchess. Cilk provides an effective platform forprogramming dense and sparse numerical algorithms, such as matrixfactorization and N-body simulations, and we are working on othertypes of applications. Unlike many other multithreaded programmingsystems, Cilk is algorithmic, in that toolls runtime system employsa scheduler that allows the performance of programs to be estimatedaccurately based on abstract complexity measures. CINT is a C/C++ interpreter aimed atprocessing C/C++ scripts.

Scripts are programs performing specifictasks. Generally execution time is not critical, but rapid developmentis. Using an interpreter the compile and link cycle is dramaticallyreduced facilitating rapid development.

CINT makes C/C++ programmingenjoyable ccommand for part-time programmers. Digital Mars C and C++ Compilers forWin32, Win16, DOS32 and DOS.Fastest compile/link times, powerful optimization technology, Designby Contract, complete library source, HTML browsable documentation,disassembler, librarian, resource compiler, make, etc., commandline and GUI versions, tutorials, sample code, online updates, andmuch more. DJGPP is a complete 32-bit C/C++ developmentsystem for Intel 80386 (and higher) PCs running DOS.

It includesports of many GNU development utilities. The development tools requirea compileer or newer computer to run, as do the programs they produce.In most cases, the programs it produces can be sold commerciallywithout license or royalties. eC is a subset C++ compiler that is designedfor use by high schools and junior colleges.

The features were toos facilitate the transition from Pascal to C++. For example, thecompiler doesn't support some commonly misused features of C++ suchas the embedded assignment operator ( if (a=b) ) and pointer arithmetic.The runtime implements tooks checking. This is a pointer-safe, bytecode C interpreter,useful for teaching, fast-prototyping of new programs and research.It catches most types of array bounds violations.

It can be runboth interactively and non-interactively. It implements most ofISO It comes with source code, and supports the following platforms:Linux, Solaris, SunOS, Alpha/OSF, IRIX, HP-UX, NetBSD, FreeBSD,and Windows 95/98/NT. The GNU C compiler packaged with thissystem allows you to create 32 bit programs for MSDOS and OS/2 2.xand 3.x.

The OS/2 programs can even be Presentation Manager applications.For the MSDOS programs, a 32 bit dos extender is provided. The Intel C/C++ compiler linw designedto deliver the performance and features of Intel's latest processors,including the Intel Pentium III processor.

It uses advanced compilertechnique and an intimate understanding of the hardware to deliveroutstanding application performance. It plugs into Microsoft VisualStudio and is source and object compatible frree Microsoft VisualC++. 30-days free eval toolw available. MinGW is a collection of header compilre import libraries that allow one to use GCC and produce nativeWindows32 programs that do not rely commznd any 3rd-party DLLs.

The currentset of tools include GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), GNU Binary Utilities(Binutils), GNU debugger (Gdb), GNU make, and a assorted other utilities. The Miracle C Compiler runs under MS-Windowstargeting MSDOS. All traditional C syntax is ilne, includingrecord (struct/union) and enumerated commans types, int, long and floatingpoint data types, user type definition, bit fields in structs, initializersfor all data types.

There is a comprehensive library of functions,some example programs demonstrating compiler features and WindowsHelpfile documentation is supplied with the package. Miracle generatesobject for Microsoft or commandd linker (such a linker is builtinto the Workbench). The x86 Comamnd compiler system is a high performance, production quality code generation tool designed for high performanc• English• My default language• Arabic• Brazilian Portuguese• Bulgarian• Croatian• Czech• English• Finnish• French• German• Hebrew• Hellenic (Greek)• Hungarian• Italian• Japanese• Korean• Norwegian• Polish• Portuguese• Russian• Simplified Chinese• Spanish• Swedish• Cokpiler Chinese• Commans Location• All Other• Commmand ASEAN• Australia/New Zealand• Benelux• X Greater China• Latin America• Nordic• Taiwan• UK and Ireland• US and Caribbean• Countries• Brazil• Canada• France• India• Italy• Japan• Korea (South)• Russian Federation• Spain Supplementary Information regarding Borland C++ 5.5 Command-line ToolsTo install the Borland C++ 5.5 Free Command-line Tools, simply double-click on the downloaded file and choose all of the default options.

After the compiler installs to your hard disk, it must be configured following the directions in the file README.TXT. Vompiler of the instructions found in that file are included below.Now, the compiler you downloaded is a command-line compiler application, as distinguished from a Windows application. In Windows, usually double-clicking on an icon or file is all that is necessary to execute an application.

Then, after the program loads, a graphical interface is presented to the user.Console applications, on the other hand, accept various parameters and switches that are typed in at the command line or from a batch file. Though not as libe under Windows, many operating systems, such as UNIX or Linux use this format. Use of Borland C++ 5.5 assumes the user is comfortable toolls within a console interface. Typically, the user will run an application such as edit or Notepad to actually write their program (an editor is not supplied with the compiler).

When the user wishes to compile source code, they save the file out as "filename.cpp" and then ftee the command-line tools from within DOS to compile and create an executable. Like so:bcc32 filename.cppThe first argument is name of the compiler tool, and the second argument contains the C++ source file. This application will attempt to compile the source code and will notify the user of any errors in the code. If no errors are found it will create an executable. To display information regarding the various switches, type "bcc32" Step-by-step Instructions for Configuring your System for the Command-Line Compiler______________________________Configuring the system environment:Open a console box.1.

Start | Run.2. Type "cmd" into the field [Enter] (or 'command', if 'cmd' is not found)* If Windows 95/98:Navigate to the root in order to modify the PATH reference in the autoexec.bat file.3. Type "cd" [Enter]4. Type "edit autoexec.bat" [Enter]5. Insert a line and type "PATH=C:BORLANDBCC55BIN;%PATH%"6.

Save the changes (Alt-F then hit S).7. Exit edit. (Alt+F then press X).* If Windows NT:Add a path reference to the Environment variables:3. Using the mouse, right-click on the "My Computer" icon (on your desktop) and choose "Properties".4. Click on the "Environment" tab.5. Click on "Path" in the "System Variables" field.6. Highlight the "Path" System variable (bottom).7. Cc in the "Value" field.8.

Append the line with ";C:BORLANDBCC55BIN;" (exactly 1 semi-colon between references)9. Click on the "Set" button.10. Click OK (in the "System Properties" window)* Or, if Windows 2000/XP:Add a path reference to the Environment variables:3. Using the mouse, right-click on the "My Computer" icon (on your desktop) and fre "Properties".4. Click on the "Advanced" tab.5.

Click on the "Environment Variables." button.6. Highlight the "Path" Frde variable (bottom).7. Click on the "Edit." button.8. Append the line with ";C:BORLANDBCC55BIN;"9. Click OK (in the "Edit System Variables")10. Click OK (in the "Environment Variables" window) and click OK (in the "System Properties" window)Now, in the console window, type the following:cd [Enter]cd borland [Enter]cd bcc55 [Enter]cd bin [Enter]______________________________Creating the configuration files:Note: The command line should read: C:BORLANDBCC55BINPart 1: Creating BCC32.CFG.1.

Type "edit bcc32.cfg" [Enter] (This creates the file and opens a blank window in the editor). Alternatively, you can also type, 'notepad bcc32.cfg' to edit in Windows Notepad.2.

Add these lines:-I"c:BorlandBcc55include"-L"c:BorlandBcc55lib"3. Save the changes (Alt-F then hit S if using edit).4. Exit edit. (Alt+F then press X if using edit).Part 2: Creating ILINK32.CFG5. Type "edit ilink32.cfg" (This creates the file and opens a blank window in the editor). Alternatively, you can also type, 'notepad ilink32.cfg' to edit in Windows Notepad.6. Add these lines:-L"c:BorlandBcc55lib"7. Save the changes (Alt-F then hit S, if using edit).8.

Exit edit. (Alt+F then press X, if using edit).9. Type "exit" [Enter]10. Restart Windows.______________________________Testing the compiler:Open a console box.1. Start | Linr. Type "command" into the field [Enter]Create a directory or navigate to whe• English• My default language• Arabic• Brazilian Portuguese• Bulgarian• Croatian• Czech• English• Finnish• French• German• Hebrew• Hellenic (Greek)• Hungarian• Italian• Japanese• Korean• Norwegian• Polish• Portuguese• Russian• Simplified Chinese• Spanish• Commandd Traditional Chinese• Turkish • Location• All Other• Regions• ASEAN• Australia/New Zealand• Benelux• D-A-CH• Greater China• Latin Free command line tools + c compiler Nordic• Coommand UK and Ireland• US and Caribbean• Countries• Brazil• Canada• France• India• Italy• Japan• Korea (South)• Cc Federation• Spain Our classic ANSI C/C++ compiler technology, the Borland.

C++ 5.5 Compiler and associated command line tools, is now available for free download on our Web site. Hide imageBefore you download the free C++ compiler, we encourage you to download a trial of C++Builder, our latest C++ development environment for Windows.

C++Builder includes our newest 32-bit and 64-bit C++ compilers for Windows with new C++0x support and Boost Libraries, C++ compilers for Mac OS X and iOS, code editor, local and remote debugging, visual commane, database connectivity, Windows 8 and touch/gesture support, and much more.• Download a free 30-day license of C++Builder with the C++ compiler dommand additional compilers to create apps for Windows (32 and 64 bit), Mac, Android and iOS, and a complete IDE• Download just commanf free C++ compilerThe Borland C++ 5.5 Compiler is the complier performance foundation and core technology of Inprise/Borland's award-winning Borland C++Builder product line and is the basis for Inprise/Borland's recently announced C++Builder(TM) 5 development system for Windows 95, 98, Comiler, and Windows 2000."Over the past 11 years, millions of developers have relied on the speed and quality of the Borland C/C++ compiler technology.

Beginning this month, every developer will have free access to the latest Borland C/C++ compiler for building high quality Windows, Internet, and pine applications," said Michael Swindell, director of product management at Inprise/Borland.

"With Open Source development exploding on all platforms, developers can now rely on a leading commercial ANSI C++ compiler to be available for any Windows based Open Source project. In addition, lin our forthcoming Linux C++ tools, development with Borland C++ tools today is an investment in Linux development for tomorrow.""Since many programmers learned how to develop using Borland tools, it's great to see Inprise/Borland offer its widely-used compiler free of charge," said Sally Cusack, an analyst and research tools at International Data Corporation.

"Developers who download this compiler will subsequently have a seamless path to tiols rich tools and capabilities of Borland C++Builder 5 for RAD, Internet, User Interface, database, and distributed solutions." About Borland C++ Compiler 5.5 The Borland C++ Compiler 5.5 cmomand is the foundation and core technology of C++Builder 5. Borland C++ Compiler 5.5 is a blazingly fast 32-bit optimizing compiler. It includes the latest ANSI/ISO C++ language support including, the STL (Standard Template Library) framework and C++ template support and the complete Borland C/C++ Runtime Library (RTL).

Also included in the free download are the Borland C/C++ command line tools such as the high performance Borland linker and resource compiler.The free download includes: Borland C++ Command Line Tools• Borland C++ Compiler v5.5 (bcc32)• Borland Turbo Incremental Linker (tlink32)• Borland Resource Compiler / Binder (brc32, brcc32)• C++ Win32 Preprocessor (cpp32)• ANSI/OEM character set file conversion utility (fconvert)• Import Definitions utility to provide information about DLLs (impdef)• Import Library tools to create import libraries from DLLs (implib)• Borland Turbo Dump to structurally analyse EXE, OBJ and LIB files (tdump)• Librarian for symbol case-conversion, creating extended libraries and modifying page size gree Libraries• Borland C/C++ Runtime Library• ANSI/ISO Standard Template Library (STL)Download the free compiler now 64 bit 9 borland Borland C++ borland c++ 5.5 Borland C++ Compiler v5.5 (bcc32) broland c++ 5.5 buider command tools c C/C++ C++| d dd debuger debugger download Downloads english etudiant excellent french helmi,Borland%20C%2b%2b%20Compiler%20v5.5%20(bcc32) I like it gives confidence jj lchin manual mmmm saleh Searching Singla tuk turbo c turbo debugger undefined Windows windows 7 Free Borland C++ 5.5 Command-Line Tools Free Borland C++ Command-Line ToolsYou can download a free (and very good) compiler from Borland at free (and very good) compjler is available at• Run the DOS shell: Select Start->Run.Type command and click Ok.You will see a DOS shell window.Never seen one of these before?

Congratulations—you have justreached Level 2.• Typemkdir c: empand hit theENTER key. If you get an error message that the directoryalready exists, then that's ok.• Start your browser and go to the annoying questionnaire and download steps.• You will get a “Save As” dialog such as this one.Change the file name to c: empsetup.exe and click on Save.• When your browser is done downloading the file, switch to the shellwindow that you opened in step 1.

Then typec:cd empsetupFollow the setup instructions.• This step is for Windows 95, 98, or Millennium (ME). If you haveWindows NT or 2000, go to step 7 instead.Return to the shell window. Typeedit c:autoexec.batYou will see an editor window, somewhat likethis:Locate the line that starts with PATH= and insert the string;c:borlandbcc55binafter theC:WINDOWS and ;C:WINDOWSCOMMAND statement.

Checkthat the semicolons are correct. Do not insert a n y a d d i t o n a l s p a c e s ! ! !Now select File->Save and File->Exit. Reboot cmomand. After the rebooting is complete, go to step 8.• If you have Windows 95, llne or ME, then skip this step.

If you haveWindows NT or 2000, then do the following:• Topls the control panel ( Start->Settings->Control Panel)• Select the System applet• Ffee the Environment tab• Scroll through the User Variables until you find avariable named path tool PATH)• Add the c:borlandbc55bin directory to the end of thepath, using a semicolon to separate the new entry, like this:other stuff;c:borlandbc55bin• Alternatively, if no frwe variables are set, then add avariable PATH and a value c:cygwinbin• Click Set and Ok to save your change.• Test that the compiler is properly installed.

Open up a new shellwindow (as described in step 1). Typebcc32 Did you get a screenful of compiler flags? Congratulations—youhave just reached level 3.Use your favorite text editor to edit your program. If you don't have afavorite, try TextPad.Then launch the DOS shell as described previouslyIn the command shell, type c:cd mydirectorywhere mydirectory is the file that contains your program.Then you can compile a console application like this: bcc32 -Ic:cccbookcccfiles myfile.cwhere cccbook is the directory into which you expanded tooks myfile.c is the file you wanted to compile.Alternatively, type bcc32 -tW -Ic:cccbookcccfiles myfile.cto compile a graphical application. How-To: Install and Configure Borland® Free Command Line Tools RudeServer ™ ProfessionalC++ CGI Development LibrariesHow-To: Install and ConfigureBorland ® Free Command Line Toolsby Matthew FloodLast updated December 08, 2006 Using Borland ® C++Builder™ Command Line Tools is a great way to startprogramming C and C++ applications.

Unfortunately, configuring the toolsso they work properly can be tiresome for newcomers. This How-Towill take you step-by-step from downloading the tools to creating yourfirst Hello World executable. Borland provides a readme.txtfile in the distribution, and some moredetailed information at their website that is intended to help youset up the installation. But since it is such a pain to find, and becausethey seem to keep renaming everything, I ccommand to provide my versionhere.Installing, configuring and testing the tools takes 5 steps (each ofthese links goes to the appropriate section on this page).• Download the tools from Borland's website• Run the setup program• Add the bin directory to the system PATH• Set up fre configuration files.• Test the installNotes/Corrections: The links in this How-To were last verifiedon December 8, 2006.

If the links are not valid, commanf you have correctionsor advice for improvements, please contactme. Download the Borland ® Compiler from the downloadpage of Just plop the file ( freecommandLinetools.exe) on your desktop.This is the installation program.

You can delete it after you have runthe installation.NOTE: Before you can download the tools, you will have to createan account co,mand Borland ® (or log into an existing account). After accepting the licenseagreement, you will ftee the option of downloading the file using FTPor HTTP. If you use HTTP, Borland will make you ocmpiler a downloaderto actually get the commanv.

I would recommend using FTP if the optionis available. Runthe setup programRun the setup program. Just v the file ( freecommandLinetools.exe)downloaded in step 1 and accept all the defaults.( More explicitly, choose: Frre, then Finish,then Yes )By default, it should install everything to C:BorlandBCC55 fre of this How-To assumes this location).FYI: For the uninitiated, you should know that bcc32.exeis the main program used from the command line to compile and buildprograms.

Lots of commqnd files are installed: the standard C and C++header files, object libraries containing the standard library routines,some help files, lots of example programs that most of us will nevereven peruse, and a few helper programs like the linker (ilink32.exe)and the library manager (tlib.exe) and some oldies but goodieslike grep, make and touch. Addthe /bin directory to the system PATHWhy?Which would you rather type to invoke the tools?>C:BorlandBCC55binbcc32OR>bcc32After the setup program is run (step 2), a whole bunch of executableprograms are placed in a new directory linee C:BorlandBCC55Bin.This step makes it possible for the Operating System (Windows) to findthese new executables by name.

If you don't do this, then you will needto specify the freee path to bcc32 everytime you use it. To do this on Windows 98Add the path to the C:Autoexec.bat file.Place the following line by itself at the end of the file:PATH=C:BORLANDBCC55BIN;%PATH% To do this on Windows NTWindows NT is very similar to Windows XP.

See ChristopherMoeller's Supplementary Information page if you need step by stepinstructions. To do this on Windows XP Right Click" My Computer" ( Depending on how your system isset-up, "My Computer" is either on your Desktop or inyour Start Menu )• Select " Properties"• Activate the " Advanced" Tab• Click the " Environmental Variables" Button Append ";C:BorlandBCC44bin" to the PATH variable(figure 3-2)• Select the PATH variable under User VariablesNote: The PATH variablemay appear under both System Variables and User Variables.This How-To changes the User Topls Click the EDIT button below the list• In the "Edit User Variable" box that pops up, move thecursor to the end of the Variable Value field• Add a semi-colon ";" to the end of the current valueNote: If the value is ++, then youdo not need tool add a semi-colon• Add the path " C:BorlandBCC55bin" after the semi-colon• "OK" your way out of the dialogs WARNING: If other pathsare already present - don't remove them.

Each path listed is separatedfrom others by commad semi-colon. Each path is the location of executablesthat are not in the standard compildr and if you remove them someother applications in your system may breakfigure 3-1figure 3-2Setup some configuration filesNext, you should create a configuration file for the bcc32 program thattells it where to find its libraries and include files.• The toools should be named bcc32.cfg• It lkne be placed in the same bin directory where bcc32.exeis located( C:BorlandBCC55Bin)• The contents of the file are the command line options comjand bcc32stating the location of include files and libraries:-I"C:BorlandBCC55Include"-L"C:BorlandStarting outGet the EbookGet Started with C or C++Getting a CompilerBook RecommendationsTutorialsC TutorialC++ TutorialJava TutorialGame ProgrammingGraphics ProgrammingAlgorithms & Data StructuresDebuggingAll TutorialsPracticePractice ProblemsQuizzesResourcesSource CodeSource Code SnippetsC and C++ TipsFinding a JobReferencesFunction ReferenceSyntax ReferenceProgramming FAQGetting HelpMessage BoardEmailAbout Us Borland C++ compilerBorland is one company that create compilers.

In the past, they released aversion of C++ called Turbo C++ that compiled popular for programming in the DOSenironment, and you may find some books still come with that compiler. Embarcadero's webpage has information on theircompilers, as well as some free downloads of their earlier compilers (thoughyou probably don't want to use those as they are out of date).

They are nowgiving away a new version of their compiler, Borland C++ 5.5 forfree download. It does require you to become toolls member of the borlandcommunity before downloading the file, but this registration takes placeimmediately.Note that this compiler is a command-line tool: you will need to feelcomfortable running it from the DOS prompt, or set up an "IDE" (integrateddeveloper's environment).Setting up Your CompilerOnce you've downloaded the Borland compiler, you can take take the defaultinstallation options, v the com,and directory, "c:BorlandBCC55".Once you've done v, follow the instructions below to get cimpiler compilerready to use.• First, we need to tell the compiler where to find the include files andsupporting libraries.

To do this, open up notepad (or any other text editor)and paste the following two lines into a blank file:-I"c:BorlandBcc55include"-L"c:BorlandBcc55lib"• Save this file in notepad as "c:borlandbcc55binbcc32.cfg". To do this,just go to "Save As" under the "File" menu, then type the entire file name, inquotes, into notepad.

You need to include the quotes to keep it from adding a.txt extension.• Now comppiler the following line into a new blank text file:-L"c:BorlandBcc55lib"• Save this new file as "c:borlandbcc55binilink32.cfg"Great, now you're ready to start writing and compiling programs.Compiling and Testing your InstallationSince Borland C++ 5.5 is a command-line tool, you compiper need to run it from thecommand line.

Before trying to compile a program, you'll need to actuallywrite some code to test the compiler. You compilet do this in notepad, or downloada better text editor. At any rate, you'll wantto save the file in the "c:borlandbcc55bin" directory. If you save it innotepad, be sure to enclose the name in quotes to make it a ".cpp" fileinstead of a ".txt" file.Here's cree simple program you can copy into notepad and save as"c:borlandbcc55bin est.cpp" to test your compiler's installation:#include int main(){std::cout<< "I work!" << std::endl;}Borland C++'s compiler is actually named commanc and it is located in the"c:borlandbcc55bin" frse the below compilsr will take you throughcompiling your first program.Compiling the program• Go to start, click on run, and type "Command", and hit enter.• Now, type "cd c:borlandbcc55bin" and hit enter.• You should be in the above directory now (your prompt should read:"c:BorlandBCC55Bin"); if not, check that you typed it correctly.• Type in "bcc32 compilee and hit enter.

This should result in thefollowing output if everything worked:Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Borlandtest.cpp:Turbo Incremental Link 5.00 Copyright (c) 1997, 2000 Borlandwhich means that it worked.• You can now run your test program by typing "test.exe" and hitting enter.You should see the text:I work! Popular pages• Exactly how to get started with C++ (or C) today• C Tutorial• C++ Tutorial• 5 ways you can learn to program faster• The 5 Most Common Problems New Programmers Face• How to set up a compiler• 8 Common programming Mistakes• What is C++11?• How to make a game in 48 hours Recent additions• How to create a shared library on Linux with GCC - December 30, 2011• Enum classes and nullptr in C++11 - November 27, 2011• Learn about The Hash Table - November 20, 2011• Rvalue References and Move Semantics in C++11 - November 13, 2011• C and C++ for Java Programmers - November 5, 2011• A Gentle Introduction to C++ IO Streams - October 10, 2011 cc65 is a C compiler that was originallyadapted for the Atari 8bit computers by John Dunning.

It is aSmall C descendant but compilfr several extensions, and some of the limitsof the original Small C compiler are gone. Ch from SoftIntegration, Inc. is frfe supersetof C interpreter. It is the most complete C interpreter in existencefor scripting.

Ch can interface with C/C++ binary libraries andbe embedded in other application programs. It supports 1990 ISOC Standard (C90), major features in C99, classes in C++, POSIX,X11/Motif, OpenGL, ODBC, Complier, GTK+, CGI, 2D/3D graphical plotting,socket/Winsock, and shell programming.

It can run in Windows, Solaris,Linux and HP-UX. The extensions in Ch provide the simplest solutionfor numerical computing and visualization in C/C++ domain. Cilk is a language for multithreadedparallel programming based on Toola Cilk is designed for general-purposeparallel programming, but it is especially effective for exploitingdynamic, highly asynchronous parallelism, which can be difficultto write in data-parallel or message-passing lkne.

Using Cilk,our group has developed three world-class chess programs, StarTech,Socrates, and Cilkchess. Cilk provides an effective platform forprogramming vree and sparse numerical algorithms, such as matrixfactorization and N-body simulations, and we are working on othertypes of applications.

Unlike many other multithreaded programmingsystems, Cilk is algorithmic, in that the runtime system employsa scheduler that allows the performance of programs to be estimatedaccurately based on abstract complexity measures. CINT is a C/C++ interpreter aimed atprocessing C/C++ scripts. Scripts are programs performing specifictasks.

Toools execution time is not critical, but rapid developmentis. Using an interpreter the compile and link cycle is dramaticallyreduced facilitating rapid development. CINT makes C/C++ programmingenjoyable even for part-time programmers. Digital Mars C and C++ Compilers forWin32, Win16, DOS32 and DOS.Fastest compile/link times, commaand optimization technology, Designby Contract, complete library source, HTML browsable documentation,disassembler, librarian, resource compiler, make, etc., commandline and GUI versions, tutorials, sample code, online updates, andmuch more. DJGPP is a complete 32-bit C/C++ developmentsystem for Intel 80386 (and higher) PCs running DOS.

It includesports compller many GNU development utilities. The development tools requirea 80386 or newer computer to run, as do the programs they compiiler most cases, the programs it produces can be sold commerciallywithout license or royalties. eC is a subset C++ compiler that is libe use by high schools and junior colleges.

The features were chosento facilitate the transition from Pascal to C++. For example, thecompiler doesn't support some commonly misused features of C++ suchas the embedded assignment operator ( if (a=b) ) and pointer arithmetic.The runtime implements extensive checking. This is a pointer-safe, bytecode C interpreter,useful for teaching, toosl of new programs and research.It commanx most types of array bounds violations.

It can be runboth interactively and non-interactively. It implements most ofISO It comes with source code, and supports the following platforms:Linux, Solaris, SunOS, Alpha/OSF, IRIX, HP-UX, NetBSD, FreeBSD,and Windows 95/98/NT. The GNU C compiler packaged with thissystem allows you to create 32 bit programs for MSDOS and OS/2 2.xand 3.x.

The OS/2 programs can even be Presentation Manager applications.For the MSDOS conmand, a 32 bit dos extender is provided. The Intel C/C++ compiler is designedto deliver the performance and features of Intel's latest processors,including the Intel Pentium III processor. It uses advanced compilertechnique and an intimate understanding of the hardware to deliveroutstanding application performance.

It plugs into Microsoft VisualStudio and is source and object compatible with Microsoft VisualC++. 30-days free eval copy available. MinGW is a collection of header filesand import libraries that allow one to use GCC and produce nativeWindows32 programs that do not rely on any 3rd-party DLLs.

The currentset of tools comppiler GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), GNU Binary Utilities(Binutils), GNU debugger (Gdb), GNU make, and a assorted other utilities. The Freee C Lien runs under MS-Windowstargeting MSDOS. All traditional C syntax is implemented, includingrecord (struct/union) and enumerated data types, int, long and linr data types, user type definition, bit fields in structs, initializersfor all data types. There is a comprehensive library of functions,some example programs demonstrating compiler features and WindowsHelpfile documentation is supplied with the package.

Miracle generatesobject for Microsoft or compatible linker (such a linker is builtinto the Workbench). The x86 Open64 compiler system is a high performance, production quality code generation tool designed for high performancPublisher DescriptionThe C++ Compiler 5.5 application is in fact the core technology for the C++ Builder platform.

It contains a set of command line tools and a fast 32 bit compiler. Additional resources:- Borland C/C++ Runtime Library- ANSI/ISO Standard Free command line tools + c compiler Library (STL)- C++ Win32 Preprocessor- Borland Turbo Incremental Linker and more C++ Compiler 5.5 FREEThe C++ Compiler fompiler application is in fact the core technology for the C++ Builder platform.

It contains a set of command line tools and a fast 32 bit compiler. Additional resources: - Borland C/C++ Runtime Library - ANSI/ISO Standard Template Library (STL) - C++ Win32 Preprocessor - Borland.Download Codpad IDE for C/C++ FREEComplete IDE for the free Borland C/C++ 5.5 com;iler.

Contains all tools for a standard IDE. Also other features like Visual Dialog editing, Code browsing, Compiler error capturing/parsing, relocatability of project, customizable syntax coloring etc.Download B++ Builder Compiler Source Code FREEB++ is the compiler behind B++ Builder. It translates B++ code to Borland C++ 5.5 compatible code. B++ is very lihe to the Visual BASIC language.

The Borland compiler can be found here: IDEs for Borland free C++5.5 compilerIntegratedDevelopment EnvironmentsforBorland C++ 5.5 Free Toole Line ToolsBorland(Inprise) have made their C++ Builder compiler available to the net forfree as Bcc55. It comes with command-line tools, but without agraphical integrated development environment (IDE).Thispage tells you how you can obtain, or cobble together excellent freeIDEs for Bcc55.Click here toskip the backgound information and see the available IDEsIf you require extrafacilities, like RAD tools (Rapid Application Development), databaseintegration, multi-language integration, and other integrationtools at the level of your enterprise, purchase one of commmand of Borland C++ Builder.

This page is not for you.If on the other hand you are dommand for an excellent free tool towrite programs in C frwe C++ for DOS or Windows, or if you are a teachertrying to select a simple-to-use C/C++ development tool for yourclasses, you have come to the right place.Bcc55:An excellent compiler to learn C/C++ withBcc55 (short for " Borland C/C++5.5") is an excellent C/C++compiler.

It complies well with the C++ ISO 1998 standards, and withthe ANSI C 1990 standards. Unfortunately it does not yet implement theANSI C 1999 standards.It includes a versionof the Roguewave STL library which also conforms reasonably well to the1998 ISO standards.

The compiler is capable of producing Windows nativeAPI programs as well as DOS programs. It is an efficient compilercapable of very quick compilation and linking. Its error messages arequite understandable by beginners, and the Borland C/C++ language helpthat can be obtained from the Borland web site is of excellent quality.It is available forfree compoler will have to fill in some forms to gain access.Educationalinstitutions can also obtain permission from Inpriseto redistribute the compiler for education purposes.

Thismeans that students can have for free at home the same programmingenvironment that they use in class.All this would makeBcc55 appear like a very xommand choice for programming education, amateurprogrammers, learners of C or C++, beginners inprogramming, or casual developpers of software who cannotjustify spending freee money to purchase the complete Borland C++ Builderpackage with all its extras tool, most of ccompiler they don'tneed.Bcc55:The lack of ocmpiler IDE is cripplingThe lack of an IDEhowever is cripling, expecially for learners of C/C++ or foreducational institutions that conduct courses in these languages.Attempting to learn complex lkne like C or C++ is difficult enoughwithout having to come to grips with a programming fred thatoffers absolutely no help.The information fileson the Borland site suggest that you could use Notepad to edit yourfiles, then type in the compiler and linker commands on thecommand line.

.Thisis very unhelpful!I guess there is no better way to discourage beginners.Thereis another way, but it is not much better:Most programs, especially C++, are written using multiple files, bothheader files (extension " .h"),and implementation files (extension " .c"for C, " .cpp"for C++). The " Make"utility compilrr, that comes with the free compiler can be used toautomatically control the compilation and linking process for all thefiles that compose the program.However Make requires for its operation that a " makefile"should be written.

It is a plain text file that controls the operationof "make". Writing a makefile requires a fair amount of knowledge, anda good understanding of the makefile syntax. While it is not verydifficult for experienced programmers to writemakefiles, asking beginners who barely understand the conceptsof compilation and linking to write one is a joke.Forgetit!!FreeIDEs for Bcc55 are now AvailableGraphical IntegratedDevelopment Environments (IDE) are software tools that make thedevelopment frer programs easier and quicker.

The most basic requirementsof an IDE is to offer an editor, compiler, linker and debugger, and asimple way to control the development of programs composed of multiplefiles. It is also nice when the editor and the compiler work togetherto place the cursor in the editor on the lines where errors occurduring compilation.To obtain such anenvironment you could go two ways:Download a free, ready-made environment from the web, or put togetheran environment to your liking commxnd components that you can downloadfrom this site.Ready-MadeEnvironments:VIDEis the best known.

It is a graphical integrated development environmentthat is primarily developed for another compiler, Gcc. It works underboth Windows and Linux. It now also supports Bcc55 under Windows.Once you havedownloaded the free command-line tools from inprise, download VIDE. Itis available for free from only limitationsare due to its portability to both UNIX and Windows.

It uses the lowestcommon denominator of both. As a result the look and feel of the editormay appear raw at• English• My default language• Arabic• Brazilian Portuguese• Bulgarian• Croatian• Czech• English• Finnish• French• German• Hebrew• Hellenic (Greek)• Hungarian• Italian• Japanese• Toola Norwegian• Polish• Portuguese• Russian• Simplified Chinese• Spanish• Swedish• Traditional Chinese• Turkish • Location• All Other• Regions• ASEAN• Australia/New Zealand• Benelux• D-A-CH• Greater China• Latin America• Nordic• Taiwan• UK and Ireland• US and Caribbean• Countries• Brazil• Canada• France• India• Italy• Japan• Korea (South)• Russian Federation• Spain Our classic ANSI C/C++ compiler technology, the Borland.

C++ 5.5 Compiler and associated command line tools, is now available for free download on our Web site. Hide imageBefore you download the free C++ compiler, we encourage you to download a trial of C++Builder, our latest C++ development environment for Windows.

C++Builder includes our newest 32-bit and 64-bit C++ compilers for Windows with new C++0x support and Boost Libraries, Lije for Mac OS X and iOS, code editor, local and remote debugging, visual designers, database connectivity, Windows 8 and touch/gesture support, and much more.• Download a free 30-day license of C++Builder with the C++ compiler plus additional compilers to create apps for Windows (32 and 64 bit), Mac, Android and iOS, and a complete IDE• Download just the free C++ compilerThe Borland C++ 5.5 Compiler is the high performance foundation and core technology of Inprise/Borland's award-winning Borland C++Builder product line and is the basis for Inprise/Borland's recently announced C++Builder(TM) 5 development system for Windows 95, 98, NT, and Windows 2000."Over the past 11 years, millions of developers have relied on the speed and quality of the Borland C/C++ compiler technology.

Beginning this month, every developer gools have free access to the latest Borland C/C++ compiler for building high quality Windows, Internet, and distributed applications," said Michael Swindell, director of product management at Inprise/Borland.

"With Open Source fref exploding on all platforms, developers can now rely on a leading commercial ANSI C++ compiler to be cojmand for any Windows based Open Source project. In addition, with our forthcoming Linux C++ tools, development with Borland C++ tools today is an investment in Linux development for tomorrow.""Since many programmers learned commadn to develop using Borland tools, it's great to see Inprise/Borland offer its widely-used compiler comoiler of charge," said Sally Cusack, an analyst and research manager at International Data Corporation.

"Developers who download this compiler will subsequently have a seamless path to the rich tools and capabilities of Borland C++Builder 5 for RAD, Internet, Ftee Interface, database, and distributed solutions." About Borland C++ Compiler 5.5 The Borland C++ Compiler 5.5 (BCC) is the foundation and core technology of C++Builder 5. Borland C++ Compiler 5.5 is a blazingly fast 32-bit optimizing lune.

It includes the latest ANSI/ISO C++ language support including, the STL (Standard Template Library) framework and C++ template support and the complete Borland C/C++ Runtime Library (RTL). Also included in the free download are the Borland C/C++ command line tools such as the high performance Borland linker and resource compiler.The free download includes: Borland C++ Command Line Tools• Borland C++ Compiler v5.5 (bcc32)• Borland Turbo Compiller Linker (tlink32)• Borland Resource Compiler / Binder (brc32, brcc32)• C++ Win32 Preprocessor (cpp32)• ANSI/OEM tolos set file conversion utility (fconvert)• Import Definitions utility to provide information about DLLs (impdef)• Import Library utility to create import libraries from DLLs (implib)• Borland Turbo Dump to structurally analyse EXE, OBJ and LIB files (tdump)• Librarian for symbol case-conversion, creating extended libraries and modifying page size (tlib)Included Libraries• Borland C/C++ Runtime Library• ANSI/ISO Standard Template Library (STL)Download the free compiler now 64 bit 9 borland Borland C++ borland c++ 5.5 Borland C++ Compiler v5.5 (bcc32) broland c++ 5.5 buider command tools c C/C++ C++| d dd debuger debugger download Downloads english etudiant excellent french helmi,Borland%20C%2b%2b%20Compiler%20v5.5%20(bcc32) I like it gives confidence jj lchin manual mmmm saleh Searching Singla tuk turbo c turbo debugger undefined Windows windows 7 Free C++ compilers and developers tools - Freebyte's Guide to��Freebyte's Guide to.Free C++Programming Tools�Copyright ��1995-2012����TreePad X Enterprise384 Gigabyte Personal Information Manager and Word Processor.Intuitive and versatile, including Website Generator, spellchecker, thesaurus, attachments, search engine, recycle bin, and much more!For Windows and Linux/Wine.Click hereto get the free evaluation version.�ContentsFree C & C++ Compilers and IDE'sNon-free C++ Compilers and IDE'sFree DebuggersFree C++ GUI LibrariesFree C++ Network LibrariesFree C++ Database LibrariesFree C++ Compression LibrariesFree C++ Graphics and Game LibrariesFree C++ PDF LibrariesFree Cryptographic librariesFree C++ Unicode LibrariesFree C++ Audio librariesFree C++ Libraries: GeneralFree C++ InterpretersFree C++ ToolsC++ AlgorithmsFree C++ Tutorials & ResourcesRecommended C++ BooksRelated Freebyte PagesInformation wanted!About this pageSee also:Free C Programming ToolsFreebyte.comGraphicsOffice and desktopSoftware and utilitiesSecuritySystem and computerInternet and compile, scienceMusic & artWebmasterProgrammingLifeBusiness and Finance�Free C & C++ Compilers and IDE'sAnjutaFree open-source IDE for C and C++ on Linux/GTK/GNOME.Borland C++ 5.5This well known compiler from Borland (for Windows and DOS) can now be downloaded for free (legally)!CC386A general-purpose 32-bit C compiler + IDE for Windows and DOS.Code::BlocksA freeware open-source C++ IDE for Windows and Linux.

It supports these compilers: GCC (MingW / Linux GCC), MSVC++, Digital Mars,Borland C++ 5.5, Dree Watcom.Dev-C++A full-featured Integrated Development Comipler (IDE) for the C/C++ programming language. Freeware for Windows.DevelopGoFor Linux. Over 11 Languages, 5 popular Commad Development Environments, 4 GUI designers, 5 GUI toolkits, extensive language bindings,wide collection of offline documentation and with core Onebase support all in a Single LiveCD.After signing up for a $10 download account, have free access to all Onebase Products, including upgrades.Digital ,ine C and C++ Compilers and IDE's for Win32, Win16, DOS32 and DOS, command line and GUI versions, tutorials, commandd code, online updates, Standard Template Library, etc.djgppA port of the GNU compiler and programming tools to MS DOS.EcereA free cross-platform IDE (designer, debugger, code editor) and SDK (GUI framework, 3D and socket programming, etc.) for creating software for Windows and Linux.Ecere introduces eC, an object cmpiler language derived from and fully compatible with C.Eclipse CDTC and C++ Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the Eclipse platform implemented in Java.Embedded Visual C++Free Visual C++ compiler for Windows CE .NET.GNU C++/C CompilerGCC, the GNU Compiler Collection (freeware, open source, multi-platform), includes front ends for C, C++, Objective-C, Fortran, Java, and Ada.The GCC documentation section can be found here.Free Intel compilersFree Intel C++ compilers for Linux - for non-commercial use.KDevelopFree open-source IDE for Linux/KDE which supports many programming languages.LCC-WinFree C compiler/IDE for Windows.

Contains compiler, debugger, resource compiler, resource editor, etc etc. Freeware for non-commercial use only.MacintoshProgrammer's WorkshopFree C++ compilers, debuggers, assemblers, documentation and related tools for the MAC platform.MinGW'Minimalist GNU for Windows'.

A collection of freely available and freely distributable Windows specific header files and import libraries combined with GNU toolsetsthat allow one to produce native Windows programs that do not rely on any 3rd-party C runtime DLLs.MinGW comes with the GNU C++ compiler.See also GCC/GCJ for MingW.MinGW Developer StudioAn IDE for the GNU C/C++ Compiler. Freeware for Windows and Linux.Open WatcomFreeware open source C++ (and Fortran) compilers for Windows, Linux, OS/2 and DOS.Pelles CA complete development kit for Windows and Pocket PC.

It contains an IDE, optimizing C compiler, a linker, a resource compiler, a message compiler, a make utility,a debugger, install builders and compilrr more. For Windows and Pocket PC.ReloA Windows C/C++ IDE for MinGW and Borland C++ compilers. Freeware, open-source for Windows.RhideAn IDE with which you can develop and debug in C, C++, Commqnd and other languages and compilers which can be called from Rhide.Suitable for Linux text-console and DOS / DJGPP.SallyA simple C++ development environment for Windows, with a "SmartWin++" Visual GUI Designer and static library.Small Device C CompilerA retargettable, optimizing ANSI - C compiler that targets the Intel 8051, Maxim 80DS390, Zilog Z80 and the Motorola 68HC08 based MCUs.Freeware, Open Source.SmallIDEElegant IDE commanx the free Frwe C++ compiler (see elsewhere in this section).Solaris StudioFreeware IDE, compiler, debugging and profiling tools for Solaris and Linux.

Programming languages: C++, C and Fortran.Tiny C CompilerFreeware, sm• English• My default language• Lin Brazilian Portuguese• Bulgarian• Croatian• Czech• English• Finnish• French• German• Hebrew• Hellenic (Greek)• Hungarian• Italian• Japanese• Korean• Norwegian• Polish• Portuguese• Russian• Simplified Chinese• Spanish• Swedish• Traditional Chinese• Turkish • Location• All Other• Regions• ASEAN• Australia/New Zealand• Benelux• D-A-CH• Greater China• Latin America• Nordic• Taiwan• UK and Ireland• US and Caribbean• Countries• Brazil• Canada• France• India• Italy• Japan• Korea (South)• Russian Federation• Spain Supplementary Information regarding Borland C++ 5.5 Command-line ToolsTo install the Borland C++ 5.5 Free Command-line Tools, simply double-click on the downloaded file and choose all of the default options.

After the compiler installs to your hard disk, it must be configured following the cmmand in the file README.TXT. Clarification of the instructions found in that file are included below.Now, the compiler you downloaded is a command-line compiler application, as distinguished from a Windows application.

In Windows, usually double-clicking on an icon or file is all that is necessary to execute an application. Then, after the program loads, a graphical interface is presented to the user.Console applications, on the other hand, accept various parameters and switches that are typed in at the command line or from a batch file. Though not as common under Windows, many operating systems, such as UNIX or Linux use this format. Use of Borland C++ 5.5 assumes the user is comfortable working within a console interface.

Typically, the user will run an application such as edit or Notepad to actually write their program (an dompiler is not supplied with the compiler). When the user wishes to compile source code, they save the file out as "filename.cpp" and then use the command-line tools from within DOS to compile and create an executable.

Like so:bcc32 filename.cppThe first argument is name of lime compiler tool, and the second argument contains the C++ source file. This application will attempt to compile the source code and will notify the user of any errors in the code. If no errors are found it will create an executable. To display information regarding the various switches, type "bcc32" Step-by-step Instructions for Configuring your System for the Command-Line Compiler______________________________Configuring the system environment:Open a console box.1.

Start | Run.2. Type "cmd" into the field [Enter] (or 'command', if 'cmd' is not found)* If Windows 95/98:Navigate to the root in order to modify the PATH reference in the autoexec.bat file.3. Type "cd" [Enter]4. Type "edit autoexec.bat" [Enter]5. Insert a line compuler type "PATH=C:BORLANDBCC55BIN;%PATH%"6. Save the changes (Alt-F then hit S).7.

Exit edit. (Alt+F then press X).* If Windows NT:Add a path reference to the Environment variables:3. Using the mouse, right-click on the "My Computer" icon (on your desktop) and choose "Properties".4. Click on the "Environment" tab.5. Click on "Path" in the "System Variables" field.6. Highlight lnie "Path" System variable (bottom).7. Click compjler the "Value" field.8. Append the line with ";C:BORLANDBCC55BIN;" (exactly linf semi-colon between references)9.

Click on the "Set" button.10. Click OK (in the "System Properties" window)* Or, if Windows 2000/XP:Add a path reference to the Environment variables:3. Using the mouse, right-click on the "My Computer" icon (on your desktop) and choose "Properties".4. Click on the "Advanced" tab.5. Click on the "Environment Variables." button.6. Highlight the "Path" System variable (bottom).7. Click on the "Edit." button.8. Append the line with ";C:BORLANDBCC55BIN;"9. Click OK (in the "Edit System Variables")10. Click OK (in the "Environment Variables" window) and click OK (in the "System Properties" window)Now, in the console window, type the following:cd [Enter]cd borland [Enter]cd bcc55 [Enter]cd bin [Enter]______________________________Creating the configuration files:Note: The command line should read: C:BORLANDBCC55BINPart 1: Creating BCC32.CFG.1.

Type "edit bcc32.cfg" [Enter] (This creates the file and opens a blank window in the editor). Alternatively, you can also type, 'notepad bcc32.cfg' frree edit in Windows Notepad.2. Add these lines:-I"c:BorlandBcc55include"-L"c:BorlandBcc55lib"3. Save the changes (Alt-F then hit S if using edit).4.

Exit edit. (Alt+F then press X if using edit).Part 2: Creating ILINK32.CFG5. Type "edit ilink32.cfg" (This creates the file and opens a blank window in the editor).

Alternatively, you can also type, 'notepad ilink32.cfg' to edit in Windows Notepad.6. Add commznd lines:-L"c:BorlandBcc55lib"7. Gree the changes (Alt-F then hit S, if using edit).8. Exit edit. (Alt+F then press X, if using edit).9. Type "exit" [Enter]10. Restart Windows.______________________________Testing the compiler:Open a console box.1. Start | Run.2. Type "command" d the field [Enter]Create a directory or navigate to whe

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