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Codecademy python finished screen

Download Codecademy python finished screen

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I really like Sreen about 80% of the time. It�s a good way to learn the syntax and keywords and concepts of a language. But it�s buggy and once you complete a course, there are few pathways to the next level.I see this question asked on Reddit all the time, in various programming subreddits. The responses are not always kind, and there are a lot of vague �Build something!� responses.

Funished I thought it would be helpful to compile the best ideas screen. PYTHONEnkaybee: I always recommend Project Euler because it�s free and it presents some real challenges without any guidance.

Ocdecademy have to think logically on top of knowing syntax. You have to write efficient code for many of them. Codecademy is the training wheels, Sceren Euler takes them off.RojaB: Don�t you even feel prepared to contribute to open source projects like

Have you done API things (dunno what those are yet) for Python at codecademey? AluGeris: I also have recently finished codeacademy�s python track. Completed �Rice university�s An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python� with flying colors. Now I�m into CheckIO challenges.

They scteen have a learning course per say, but when Codecademyy complete a challenge with my weak skills I am able to view other peoples solutions, codfcademy gives me an insight on how much easier I could have done something. FletcherHeisler: See if the practical topics in the 2nd half of my course at might be of interest to you � maybe a good first step toward some of the scientific applications!

For crypto and pytbon dev I definitely recommend Sweigart�s two books respectively. For mobile dev (in Python!) you might want to take a look at Kivy.

Definitely focus on one, maybe two courses at a time to make sure you�re making progress instead of just distracting yourself, but start with whatever interests you most at the moment! eriiccc: Check out

They have a bunch of python classes. I�m currently working on building a codecaddemy site with python and google App Engine.

The cinished teaching the class is one of the Reddit cofounders. They also have a class that goes over algorithms taught by Peter Nordvig.

Codeczdemy classes have been great so far. Mtn_Wolf: I say you should go to the DailyProgrammer. Here you scrreen try out tons of different coding challenges. Rule #1 of Coding: Practice Practice Practice. Also! Keep all your programs you make. You will notice that you pick bits and pieces from previous works to build more complicated projects.

Happy Coding! wumsdi: Where do you want to go with programming? As a general advice I�d say: Learn more about data and computer science: Take a look at courses at, for example; read more about python scrsen � and practice a lot (sites like are good for repeating � although the python part here is a bit short).

Have phthon �Head First Programming.� It uses Python as the language and introduces you to basic concepts in programming, making a GUI, using libraries, etc. NOT to be confused with �Head First Python,� which isn�t as good of a book. Cfattie: Well, if you�re into coding games, I would suggest �Invent Your Own Computer Games With Python�. I�m not sure how much of it is overlap from Codeacademy, but I guess you could skip the stuff you don�t know. I started with Learn Python the Hard Way but I switched to this because it tells you most everything you need to know to understand the program, and then gives you the program to copy and learn from. Jon-Targaryen: I�d recommend that you switch right away to the latest version of Python, Python 3.

You should be able to pick up on the differences very quickly (as far as usage goes, it�s codecadeky just minor syntax). Non-Programmer�s Tutorial for Python 3 is a good wikibook tutorial. cheifing: Finoshed someone who ecreen also learning python, I would recommend: Since you already know a bit about python, you�ll go through the beginning chapters very fast, but the later ones get interesting.

The author also checks the comments very often, answering any questions you may have. If that seems to advanced for you, or if it gets too hard, I would recommend this book. This book is great if python is your first language, and goes through everything in detail. It also teaches you some of the general fibished lingo. herefortheawws: I would try the flask (flaskr) or django tutorial, or another framework. That way you will actually move finisued putting things online, and it will gradually make more and more sense, and it will be easier to transition to making your own web apps (if that�s something you want to do).

IMHO, there�s only so long coding practice is useful until you need to learn how to put it all together. IronPhysco: The other comments suggesting that you should tackle fiished personal project are good, and I definitely suggest you do codecademg as well to become more familiar with using python in practical applications.

It�s dWhat's fihished level of knowledge you gain after you finish CodeAcademy's HTML/CSS, JS and PHP courses, and sceren other free courses would you recommend to someone for further web-design coxecademy development?

- Quora What's the level of knowledge you gain after you finish CodeAcademy's HTML/CSS, JS and PHP courses, and what other codeademy courses would you recommend to someone for further web-design skills development? Rather than constantly take courses, you should practice, practice, practice. I too learned HTML/CSS/JS from websites like Codecademy and CodeSchool. These websites are great to begin with, because they teach the syntax and fundamentals very well.

When it comes to writing and organizing large programs, however, you won't learn much from Codecademy. The projects they provide you are usually smaller in size, so you won't receive the real-world knowledge needed to efficiently code and manage a large website. Also, courses won't necessarily teach you how to design a website, a skill which improves only by experimenting with your own layouts/colors/typography .Even if you're a beginner, try coding a personal website!

A few reasons:� They usually aren't that complicated. With only HTML and CSS, you can create a good-looking covecademy You can begin building an online presence, and.� Post or link to projects you've worked on.� Finally, domain names are cheap! (If you're a student, you can get one for free here: you've worked hard, coded a few of your own websites, and you think your web development skills are top-notch.

What else?Teach a class! By teaching others how to code, you gain valuable communication skills, such as the ability to explain your logic and the procedure, which is definitely needed during job interviews.

Also, students tend to raise some very interesting questions or scenarios that you've never dcreen example, UC Berkeley offers something called DeCals, which are basically classes organized and taught by any student who wishes to and has sufficient pytbon in the subject.

Find unique opportunities like this, and you'll stand out from the crowd. Good luck! The answers above are dead on about practice. You can't learn web development without building screfn do a big project every time you finished a Codecademy track. Done with HTML and CSS?

Build a responsive personal site that looks good on any device. Just finished JavaScript / jQuery? Try building a game that can play blackjack. Then make THAT look good on any cosecademy for help with responsive sites, I strongly recommend Bootstrap.)After that, I'd try working screen some APIs.

Codecademy can help you there, too. For instance, you could make an app that would show you the top ten YouTube videos for the current day, week or month, and in various categories.That should keep you busy for a while, fonished when you get done you could mess with something like Fijished, or better yet, NodeJS. Codeschool can get you started there, or there are books and even some pretty good stuff on YouTube. Once you're writing your own APIs in Node, you can probably land an entry level development job if that is what you want. I assume you meant finishes mispelled "CodeCademy", that I know; I have no idea about where to find a site or a course named "CodeAcademy", but if my assumption was right, I can answer you very directly: you just got the basics and need to keep on practicing to make your knowledge last and keep the information you got in your long term memory.Start working on some project of yours, browse github for interesting projects coedcademy contribute or just read and possibly try some specific course on Coursera: there are many of them, like this one, but you may have even better findings going on Coursera homepage and searching for your most interesting keywords.Hope this helps and happy coding :) To add onto Eric's answer, no matter the codecade,y or tutorial classes you take (for me it was a 3month bootcamp,, some of MITOpenCourseware's video lectures, and a couple lessons from codeacademy) you'll be very hard pressed to retain most of what you're learning if you're not putting it into practice.

That means build, build, build, doesnt matter if it looks good, works right or does anything useful, simply programming a site that lets a user input 2 numbers and add them into a sum that shows in a pythno field, will teach you way more than almost any 2-3 hour video course. Simply put, there's a limit to how far down the rabbit hole these mini-courses can take you (it goes pretty deep).That's not to trash these resources, i count as one of the best resources that set me on the path I'm on.

As Eric also mentioned, they're great for learning the basics, language and syntax structure, best practices, background tech knowledge, etc. But they're best used as a screwn, not a show-me-how-to-do-this-an d-be-done-with-it.

They'll show you where most of the buttons on the car are, and probably show you how to roll the automatic window down, b1) You can pythoon a beta tester for new Pthon lessons, you just have to enable this in your settings. There are quite a few to choose from and should keep you ppython for a bit if you don't mind the betaness.2) Try another language, I finished the Ruby track too and I found that it complemented many concepts nicely codecadwmy and Ruby are quite similar).

A language is just a tool, learning proper programming principles is the best takeaway from any learning you cdoecademy Make your own small project.

Try doing something coodecademy involves lots of code, or at least scresn code than a hefty exercise.4) Read the Python documentation and make your own exercises/trials as you go. Speaking of books, I just have O'Reilly's Learning Python - the reviews are pretty good, so you could try that too.5) Just by googling "advanced python tutorials": (site looks like vomit, but making games rocks) @Yolo McSwaggins, here man I just rolled you a fat one.

def amount():while True:try:amount = int(input("How many bags of weed do you have?"))return amountbreakexcept ValueError:print "Give me a number fool!"def marijuana(amount):amount = amount()if amount > 0:marijuana = amountreturn marijuanaelse:print "What no weed? YOLO BITCHES!!!"def euphoria_dealer(marijuana):marijuana = marijuana(amount)weed = 1if weed == marijuana:print "Blaze it"elif weed < marijuana:print "Sell it"euphoria_dealer(marijuana) The last page of Zed Shaw's "Learn Python the Hard Way" has a whole list of codedademy steps that are categorized according to different interests.Get fluent in Python, Ruby, Javascript, JQuery, API's, HTML and CSS= become rockstar. Seems like we should work on TKinter and CherryPy now.ways that we can actually format and display the code for users.

I am working on GUIs in Fihished right now by using Eclipse.I want to learn CherryPy so that Codwcademy can use my new skills to build web apps too :) � Do you know there is an official The Python Tutorial by the Python community?� Do you know there is Stack Overflow for getting answers to specific programming problems?

They won't write the code for you but can answer almost every question you have while programming.� Do you know there is Code Review Stack Exchange for getting your working code reviewed? People tell you whether your code can be improved and how.� Do you know that there are many places you can practice programming?

I have a list of links about learning to ProgramI fniished you can go to any of these places.But I would suggest that you choose to make something now. Something that can make your life easier.Do you want to rename a lot of images? Do you want to move files into different directories?

Do you want to download some pictures from a website? Is there something that you want to do but you haven't because there is too much repetition? Python can solve your problem of automating many tasks. Choose pytthon and try to make it. If you get stuck then ask questions.

That might be a better idea than choosing some project from a random list of projects on the internet. Generally, there are three steps to learn a finishsd language:1. Learn the basics2.Make useless programs3.Make real world programsNow, you seem to have completed step 1 and are probably wrangling with step two.At finishfd two, you should try to build some simple programs from your own fantasy. Make a pythom that takes miles as input and converts it to kilometers.

Then, fiished it by adding an ffinished function allowing a user to enter the miles after running the script. Then, think of integrating other fundamental programming features such as loops and conditionals.Carefully read the errors Python throws at you and try to understand them.

Don't just copy and paste them on Google hoping to find a finisued solution - that will actually slow you down in the long run. So, track down the errors and try to understand how things work.Then, you should try getting into the real world. Try to find tutorials of real world examples and try out those examples yourself and experiment with them.Here I would propose my own course - it is a complete guide on how to use all the programming building blocks of Python in creating real world programs.

So, there you will learn how to make use of what you have learned in Codecademy Here is the discount link to the course: Python Step by Step: Build a Data Analysis Program I guess the answer depends upon time available to learn the language and career path. If you have a few months off a more intensive program- full time coding Bootcamp makes sense. I'm most familiar with Byte Academy 12 week fulltime Python Bootcamp in NYC. For those with very little familiarity with Python before enrollment, Byte provides 8 weeks of pre Bootcamp coursework that students are required to do.

In your case it sounds like Code Academy can replace that and instead you jump into the program. The reason that I mention career is because various programs may curtail their curriculum their program based upon career choice (ie Byte has a FinTech program). Also, many programs are multifaceted with guest speakers, career counsellors, etc. so it is best to make such your choice alligns with big picture goals. I have started writing a series on learning and mastering Python Programming.Check it out here:A Definitive Guide To Learn And Master PythonPart 1 - Learning Python � Novice-Beginner LevelLearning Fiinished - Novice Beginner LevelYou can start following the guidance given in this series in a step by step way, in fknished to learn and master python.I have listed scredn books in the link above.

You can check them out. I have also listed some websites, online books you can refer.This is the follow up to the part 1 of the five part Learn and Master Python series.

Check it out.Progressing Python - Level Intermediate Let�s just make this quite clear to begin with: I believe Codecademy has great potential. I really want to see it succeed, because I can see there is an identified gap where Codecademy fits, and a lot of people can benefit from using the site.However, after spending some time �learning� (or trying to learn) JavaScript on Codecademy, I experienced some fundamental issues which I believe are holding it back.

The problems lie in Codecademy�s set up in its current state.For first time coders, it�s horrible.Who is Codecademy for?When you visit Codecademy�s homepage, one of the first things you�ll notice is a big heading that says Learn to code. This is followed by the sentence, �Codecademy is the easiest way to learn to code.�I�m going to take these two clues to mean that Codecademy is aimed at beginners. As far as I can make out, the idea is to reach people who have little-to-no coding experience, but want to learn.

I�m finishes to use this assumption as the basis codecadeym the rest of this article.What are code novices like?So what else do we know (or can we assume) about these newbies?� They are completely (or almost) new to the world of coding� They have some idea of what they can build with code (i.e. they�ve used apps and websites)� They don�t understand the codecade,y principles of whichever coding language they are learning� Their point of reference for anything language-based is standard codedademy rules which apply to conversations and literatureThis last point is a red flag for me.

Let me explain with an analogy from The IT Crowd:No doubt you�ve heard someone call Internet Explorer �the internet� before. The concept of web browsers is completely foreign to some users, and yet because it�s second nature to many of us, we don�t realize there are people who just don�t get it.Code can be like this.

Take the concept of HTML tags for instance: it�s common sense to make sure that all of your tags are opened and closed. And for someone who knows HTML, it�s not hard to jump to the conclusion that in another coding language, anything that�s open must also be closed at some point.�But imagine approaching code without an inkling of this concept. Why would you ever consider that the problem with your code is a tag left open if you�ve never encountered that concept before? Why is it overrated?Codecademy undoubtedly has a lot going for it, but these major problems are letting it down.

The foundations are missingMany developers dinished heralded the concept of Codecademy itself. In theory, it sounds like exactly codcademy we need.

For developers, however, it�s almost impossible to forget what they already know. Take the browser example above: until someone says �That�s the button for the internet,� you probably won�t realize that it�s not obvious what a web browser is.If you already know that all HTML tags have to be opened and closed, or that if you spell something wrong, the computer won�t be able to run your code, you can�t forget these things.

Through your experience in programming you�ve picked up the fundamentals, but a beginner codeczdemy missing these important ingredients.This is perhaps my biggest concern: the basic principles of coding languages and how they work are missing from Codecademy�s lessons. Until pythoon get a feel for how code behaves, you�re going to have trouble writing it � and even more trouble fixing codecademy python finished screen when you make a mistake.

Code errors are not helpful enoughThe Codecademy console has a great feature to help you find sceen. Next to each line of code, you�ll see a hazard icon if something�s wrong. This is cocecademy handy if your code won�t run but you don�t know why.When you hover over the icon, you�ll get a short message about what the problem is.

When it�s �Missing semicolon,� that�s easy enough to understand and fix. But when it says, �Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression,� that�s not much help to oython newbie. It�s codeczdemy than nothing, which is what was offered when I first started using the site, but still not enough to be finishde you try to run your code and it doesn�t work, you will get finisbed error message from the console as well, but coecademy will be something like this: �It looks like you didn�t run ten.

Try again.� Helpful, huh?This is probably the point where you�re saying that to be a good programmer you need scdeen be good at problem-solving, right? Unfortunately, we�ve hit on that a smidge too early. Remember, we�re dealing with beginners who have no understanding apart from what they�ve covered so far in the Codecademy lessons. And without a solid understanding of the language�s foundations, there are no reference points to work with when it comes to troubleshooting.

There are no standard reference pointsYes, I�m still harping on about the foundations of the language. Imagine you don�t understand for loops properly. Now, how far fnished you going to get finisged JavaScript without those?We�ve already established the trouble with learning the foundations � this gets even more difficult once you get intannouncements Art AskReddit askscience aww blog books creepy dataisbeautiful DIY Documentaries EarthPorn europe explainlikeimfive food funny Futurology gadgets gaming GetMotivated gifs history IAmA InternetIsBeautiful Jokes LifeProTips listentothis mildlyinteresting movies Music news nosleep nottheonion OldSchoolCool personalfinance philosophy photoshopbattles pics science Showerthoughts space sports television tifu todayilearned TwoXChromosomes ukraina UpliftingNews videos worldnews WritingPrompts edit subscriptions � front� - all� - random|� AskReddit� - funny� - videos� - worldnews� - todayilearned� - gifs� - news� - pics� - gaming� - movies� - aww� - Showerthoughts� - mildlyinteresting� - Jokes� - nottheonion� - IAmA� - tifu� - television� - OldSchoolCool� - science� - europe� - photoshopbattles� - explainlikeimfive� - LifeProTips� - TwoXChromosomes� - dataisbeautiful� - Music� - personalfinance� - Futurology� - books� - EarthPorn� - WritingPrompts� - food� - sports� - space� - UpliftingNews� - creepy� - DIY� - Art� - nosleep� - askscience� - gadgets� - Documentaries� - GetMotivated� - history� - listentothis� - InternetIsBeautiful� - philosophy� - ukraina� - announcements� - blogmore � use the following search parameters to narrow your results: subreddit: subreddit find submissions in "subreddit" author: username find submissions by "username" site: find submissions from "" url: text search for "text" in url selftext: text search for "text" in self post contents self:yes (or self:no) include (or exclude) self posts nsfw:yes (or ecreen include (or exclude) results marked as NSFWe.g.

subreddit:aww dogsee the search faq for details.advanced search: by author, subreddit. Want to know what's new for Web Developers? You're in the right place!� Newbie question? Try the FAQ first! or the WebDev Resources Post� Help fill out the wiki� IRC: #/r/webdev on FreenodePosting Guidelines�Please provide links that are useful resources and will help out a community of professionally minded web developers.�Please feel free to ask for help or advice, but if you do be as thorough as possible about your current problem and explain what you're trying to achieve and specifically what can be done to help!

Please don't beg for advice or help.�Please try to avoid posting memes, screenshots of bad websites or jokes.�read reddiquette�no excessive self-promotionRelated:� /r/devops� /r/jobs4bitcoins� /r/php� /r/javascript� /r/web_work� /r/web_design� /r/webhosting� /r/forhire For job offers or requests� /r/freelance For discussion related to freelancing� /r/programmerhumor - post your memes here insteadPast Sticky Threads:�What's your current setup�WebDev Resources So I decided to get into coding/web development and try to learn (and eventually master) the skills required to be vinished Front-End developer.

I have a pjthon for graphic design and enjoy the logic-based thinking in programming, so when I gave it a shot, I wasn't too surprised that this type of thinking clicked with me.I'm currently using Codecademy codecxdemy learn the foundation required to start making basic things and then teach myself the rest of the way.

So far I really enjoy the program and have been learning a ton of stuff. I spend on average codecadem 20 hours a week (for scrsen week so far) doing lessons and trying to apply them on my own.However, reddit seems finishex be uniformly opposed to Codecademy for a particular pyhon, saying that it only teaches you 1% of what a programmer knows, codecademy python finished screen it teaches you irrelevant things or that it teaches you bad practices.All these negative comments (not just on reddit) make me feel like Codecademy is a waste of time if I want to break into the world of web development.When I began this, I never expected Codecademy to teach me everything I should scren, but instead that Fimished will teach myself more advanced things as I begin to apply the skills I've learned there, such as proper practices, how to prevent/find errors in my code, and how to organize it in a practical space saving way that will allow other programmers to understand where I left off in my code etc etc.

I also have a few mentors who are computer programmers that are willing to help me and give me tips.I KNOW the process of me becoming a developer is a long, but rewarding process, and I'm willing to put the legwork for a couple of years in order to be as good as I can. Also, I think my graduate degree and location, as well as design background can oython me an screwn once I get a lot better at web-dev.Which goes to my question and also TL;DR:TL;DR: Is Codecademy really that bad, or are those people expecting too much from it?

Pytohn aware that the process of becoming a novice to expert coder is long and that Im going to have to teach myself a lot that Codecademy doesn't (which I came into this assuming). Am I doing myself a disservice by scrfen Codecademy?� 71 comments� share because it makes it easy to learn the first 1/1,000 of programming and people talkannouncements Art AskReddit askscience aww codecadem books creepy dataisbeautiful DIY Documentaries EarthPorn europe explainlikeimfive food funny Futurology gadgets gaming GetMotivated gifs history IAmA InternetIsBeautiful Jokes LifeProTips listentothis mildlyinteresting movies Music news nosleep nottheonion OldSchoolCool personalfinance philosophy photoshopbattles pics science Showerthoughts space sports television tifu todayilearned TwoXChromosomes ukraina UpliftingNews videos worldnews WritingPrompts edit subscriptions � front� - all� - random|� Scrreen - funny� - videos� - worldnews� - todayilearned� - gifs� - news� - pics� - gaming� - movies� - aww� - Showerthoughts� - mildlyinteresting� - Jokes� - nottheonion� - IAmA� - tifu� - television� - OldSchoolCool� - science� - europe� - photoshopbattles� - explainlikeimfive� - LifeProTips� - TwoXChromosomes� - dataisbeautiful� - Music� - personalfinance� - Futurology� - books� - EarthPorn� - WritingPrompts� - food� - sports� - space� - UpliftingNews� - creepy� - DIY� - Art� - nosleep� - askscience� - gadgets� - Documentaries� - GetMotivated� - history� - listentothis� - InternetIsBeautiful� - philosophy� - ukraina� - announcements� - blogmore � use the following search parameters to narrow your results: subreddit: subreddit find submissions in "subreddit" author: username find submissions by "username" site: find submissions from "" url: text search for "text" in url selftext: text search for "text" in self post contents self:yes (or self:no) include (or exclude) self posts nsfw:yes (or nsfw:no) include (or exclude) results marked as NSFWe.g.

subreddit:aww dogsee the search codecsdemy for details.advanced search: by author, subreddit. Welcome to LearnProgramming!Asking Questions - Offering Help�Please read our Frequently Asked Questions section before posting.�Message the Moderators with suggestions or to rescue posts from the spam filter�Chat on our official IRC at #learnprogramming on Freenode using a client or webchat!�Related Programming SubredditsPosting Guidelines� Ask questions the smart way.

Learn how to write the perfect question. Read the full guidelines for asking questions.� DO NOT DELETE YOUR POST� Please use a descriptive title and specify the language or tech you're working with.� Good Example: [C++] Segmentation fault while writing to array in a for loop� Bad Example: What's wrong with this?� If your question gets answered, use link flair to mark it as solved� When finnished code on this subreddit, please post a small, self-contained, correct example, i.e.

a minimal, runnable example.� Minimal means that it should be the smallest amount of code necessary to demonstrate your problem.� Runnable means that someone should be able to take the code as is, compile codecademmy run it, and reproduce your problem.� Never post a screenshot of your code!

Use one of the tools below instead.� When offering help, you don't have to be an expert to answer a question. If you can help, chime in, just follow these guidelines.Recommended Tools for Posting Code:�Gist: for long code and code in multiple files.�IDEone: for code that must be executable.�JSFiddle: for Codecwdemy, CSS, or JavaScript specifically.See the full guidelines for more explanation.

Frequently Asked Questions�How do I get started with programming?�What programming language should I start with? Which language is best for making games/websites/etc?�Can I get a programming job without a Computer Science degree?

Or without any degree at all? Is it worth quitting University?�What does it mean to "know a language" or to "know how to program"?�What is the difference between C, C++, Objective-C, and C#?�What is the difference between Java and Finishdd is an IDE? Codecadfmy I be using one?�What is Source/Version/Revision Control?

Should I coeecademy using it?�How can I contribute to open source projects?�I want to learn to make video games. Where do I start?Recommended Resources�Programming Books�Online courses and tutorials (interactive and static)�Programming Challenges�Miscellaneous Resources�Programming Tools (IDEs, VCS, etc)Rules�No Rewards: LearnProgramming does not condone monetary or other rewards for work within the community.�Good Content: Any external resources linked to should be up-to-date and correct.�Good Comments: Abusive, racist, or derogatory comments towards individuals or groups are not permitted.�No Referral Links: Please refrain from posting referral links to Amazon or other sites.Violating a rule is grounds for removal of the post or comment at moderator discretion.

Please read the FAQ and posting guidelines before submitting! I just finished Codecadeemy CSS & HTML course. Do I know these languages proficiently, or was that just a "beginner's introduction?" ( self.learnprogramming)submitted 2 finoshed ago by InternetLoveMachine It was just a beginner's introduction. You know enough about the languages to make a very basic website, but nothing more than that. To improve,announcements Art AskReddit askscience aww codceademy books creepy dataisbeautiful DIY Documentaries EarthPorn europe explainlikeimfive food funny Futurology gadgets gaming GetMotivated gifs history IAmA InternetIsBeautiful Jokes LifeProTips listentothis mildlyinteresting movies Music news nosleep nottheonion OldSchoolCool personalfinance philosophy photoshopbattles pics science Showerthoughts space sfreen television tifu todayilearned TwoXChromosomes ukraina UpliftingNews videos worldnews Finisheed edit subscriptions � front� - all� - random|� AskReddit� - funny� - videos� - worldnews� - todayilearned� - gifs� - news� - pics� - gaming� - movies� - aww� - Showerthoughts� - mildlyinteresting� - Jokes� - nottheonion� - IAmA� - tifu� - television� - OldSchoolCool� - science� - europe� - photoshopbattles� - explainlikeimfive� - LifeProTips� - TwoXChromosomes� - dataisbeautiful� - Music� - personalfinance� - Futurology� - books� - EarthPorn� - WritingPrompts� - food� - sports� - space� - UpliftingNews� - creepy� - DIY� zcreen Art� - nosleep� - askscience� - gadgets� - Documentaries� - GetMotivated� - history� - listentothis� - InternetIsBeautiful� - philosophy� - ukraina� - announcements� - blogmore � use the following search parameters to narrow your results: subreddit: subreddit find submissions in "subreddit" author: username find submissions by "username" site: find submissions from "" url: text search for "text" in url selftext: text search for "text" in self post contents self:yes (or self:no) include (or exclude) self posts nsfw:yes (or nsfw:no) include (or exclude) results marked as NSFWe.g.

subreddit:aww dogsee the search faq for details.advanced search: by author, subreddit. /r/programming is a reddit for discussion and news about computer programmingGuidelines� Please try to keep submissions on topic and of high quality.� Just because it has a computer in it doesn't make it programming.� Memes and image macros are not acceptable forms of content.� If there is no code in your link, it probably doesn't belong here.� App demos should include code and/or architecture discussion.� Please follow proper reddiquette.Info� Do you have a question?

Check out /r/learnprogramming, /r/cscareerquestions, or stackoverflow.� Do codecaxemy have something funny to share with fellow programmers? Please take it to /r/ProgrammerHumor/.� For posting job listings, please visit /r/forhire or /r/jobbit.� Check out our faq.

It could use some updating.� If you're codecademy python finished screen all-star hacker (or even just beginning), why not join the discussion at /r/redditdev and steal our reddit code!Related reddits� /r/technology� /r/ProgrammerTIL� /r/learnprogramming� /r/askprogramming� /r/coding� finiehed /r/dailyprogrammer� /r/netsec� /r/webdev� /r/web_design� /r/gamedev� /r/cscareerquestions� /r/reverseengineering� /r/startups� /r/techsupportSpecific languages Even if you dont finish you'll probably learn something.

I do a lot of MOOCs to try something new (Ive been programming for 15+ years) and I dont finish most because a lot of the classes are terrible. I still pick up things here and there though, so not finishing cannot be viewed at 100% failure.� permalink� embed� save� parent Exactly this. I tried my hand at an advanced stats class via. coursera? I spent a few HOURS on the first lesson trying to guess what the automated grader wanted out of my R code. Gave up after that.� permalink� embed� save� parent� give gold Haha, yeah, that can be a bitch.

For me, I had to round my answers for a certain dataset to two decimal points. This was never mentioned anywhere. I found it through pretty much sheer luck.� permalink� embed� save� parent� give gold Yeah and they can be cheated too. I forget what it was exactly but I totally cheated the auto grader on the Python course at codeacademy. I still did it legit but it amused me that I could have just lied to it and passed the lesson.� permalink� fiished save� parent� give gold Yeah, the same thing happened to me with the Python lessons at codecademy.

There's a huge thread of one guy explaining sceren to do it (I believe you have to add a print line at the end) because the instructions never mentioned it.� permalink� embed� save� parent� give gold Yup.

I use MOOCs as a way to field test my interest in a subject. I sign up to a dozen, attend maybe 8 once the course starts and drop another 4 or 5 before the end, sticking with the ones I like to completion. Then I start another coecademy of learning.Edit: Mostly on edX.� permalink� embed� save� parent� give gold At normal in-person universities this behavior is controlled oython clamped down on sceeen keep classes from overfilling with people who don't intend to finish them, but for MOOCs it makes impeccable sense.

Codecwdemy wish the stats could account for people who do unanticipated things like this though.� permalink� embed� save� parent� give gold I suppose the easiest would simply be to mark attendance by submitted work, gauge when and wher

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